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The Menorah Story
Michael J. Herman  -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA
Thursday, March 9, 2023


How We Came To Light the Menorah

By Michael J. Herman

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In the days of the Maccabees a great and wise Rabbi named Jacob languished at the tsarah being argued between all the tribes of Israel.

“The fighting must stop. Our people must be one. We must unite or perish” announced the people’s head. “We are under attack from outside forces that wish to annihilate us as a people. If we do not stand together, then separately we will surely vanquish.”

Grumblings could be heard throughout the gathered.

“Ezekiel plowed into my garden and ruined my harvest” shouted Daniel.

“Esther hung her dressings on my line and now it won’t support my own linens” called Rachel.

“And David’s mule dug through my crops” shouted another.

“People, please. We must put all this bickering aside and focus once again on what is truly important.”

“What can be more important than feeding my family” begged a woman from the back of the crowd?

With a softened and tempered voice Sorel offered “The worship and glory of God.”

A hush came over the assembled group.

“God wishes for us to be joyful and holy. God wishes for us to be one in the House of Israel. All this arguing and hostility is a shunda.”

“What do you suggest, Jacob? This cannot continue.”

Jacob thought hard and for several moments.

His eyes widened brightly as he loudly announced “I know! A contest. We will hold contests and the winners will each be awarded a bright and luminous torch to show the entire village they are good people and worthy of respect and not recriminations. The contests will be held in one week after

Shabbat has ended and the new week has begun.”

A crowd responded with a cheer and for one whole week the community was focused on the coming games.

Each day drew the events closer and a sense of anticipation was felt from the stream to the shul.

Finally, the day came. Each family was represented in tasks that ranged from physical strength and prowess, to sewing, baking, and even poetry. The day was filled with each tournament rose a different champion to alter and with the awarding of each torch, the winners stood proudly atop the hilltop until all contests were complete and all torches were awarded.

Jacob sat in his judge’s chair, silently admiring the winners upon the dais. Their eyes were wide with pride. Their torches burned brightly like a great honor of what had taken place.

Finally, Jacob spoke.

“All were winners. Even the losers were triumphant for they competed and for completing, they too are champions. Look upon your torches. They are equal. All were the same length, the same girth, the same brightness. None are bigger. None are better. None are dimmer because another’s is lit brightly.”

He looked upon the fallen gazes of those who stood with shameful pride.

“I invite the declared winners to place their torches in their holders and have a seat.”

The group was silent. Some were afraid of receiving their trophies. Others were deserving and still holding onto what was rightfully theirs.

“Go ahead my friends. In order for us to stand as one, we must burn brightly together.”

Slowly, one torch was raised into its holder. Then another, and then another. Until all eight winning torches stood brightly atop

the hill.

“Let the light of all these worthy champions represent all who are gathered and may we dedicate its triumphs to God.”

“Amen echoed throughout the gathering.

And that is how we came to light the menorah.

Michael J. Herman is an award winning author. His stories and other works can be found online and on his web site www.michaeljherman.com

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Name: Michael J. Herman
Title: President, CEO
Group: The Motivational Minute Publishing Company
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-894-4610
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Cell Phone: 818-441-9288
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