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The 7 Second Secret to Successful Dating
Eileen Hammel -  Smarter Image Eileen Hammel - Smarter Image
Philadelphia, PA
Monday, February 12, 2018

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The 7 Second Secret to Successful Dating

     When it comes to dating reach as overwhelmingly shown whether man or woman your appearance and image plays a major role when selecting a date. A person's appearance and image has such a powerful influence when choosing a date that it affect how people assign characteristics and traits to a potential date. The more attractive a person finds a potential date the more positive characteristics and traits such as kindness, a sense of humor, honesty, intelligent and success they will assign to them. Research as discovered that in as little as the first 7 seconds of making visual contact with a potential date or their photo  a person will decide if they find someone attractive and assign positive or negative characteristics and traits to them. This means before you even have a chance to say hello or have your profile read your image is already introducing you to potential dates,

      Smart Image for over 25 year has been teaching our clients how to enhance their image and successful use those powerful first 7 seconds to attract their perfect date.  Now for the month of February the month of love only Smarter Image is offering its Smarter Image's 1-2-3 Amazing Men's Makeover for Successful Dating and Smarter Image's 1- 2-3 Amazing Women's Makeover for Successful Dating on EBay's  Personal Development Category at a very special price.

Eileen Hammel is President and Master Consultant at Smart Image a leader in the Image Industry and Nonverbal Communication Field. Eileen is recognized as a National and International Image, Makeover and Nonverbal Communication Expert. SI@smarterimageglobal.com

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Name: Eileen Hammel
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA United States
Direct Phone: 484 - 416 - 5453
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