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Thanks to Betty White Senior Women Are the New Hot Topic
Joni Wilson - Voice Expert -- Director, Ms. Senior USA  Pageants Joni Wilson - Voice Expert -- Director, Ms. Senior USA Pageants
San Diego, CA
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Joni Wilson age 75

Move over American Idol and Dancing with the Stars--here comes Ms. Senior USA to rock the social media world.


San Diego, California, February, 2011: What do Betty White, Diane Sawyer, Cher, and Barbra Walters, all have in common? Diane and Cher are both over 60 and still at the top of their game, while Barbara and Betty are well over 80. To top it off, Betty White is currently the "hottest" woman in the youth obsessed entertainment industry.

 Today's prime time woman is not just somebody's granny.  She is youthful (60 is the new 40), talented, confident, proud of her age, and ready to let the world know that she has a voice and plenty to say. The big problem is: How does she tell the world she is still alive, kicking, and ready for action if she is not already a celebrity?  20 years ago she would have resigned herself to baking cookies, babysitting the grand children and limiting her passionate aspirations of being on stage in Las Vegas  to daydreams and fantasy's. . .NOT ANY MORE! 

With today's social media being so powerful that, in less than a week, a group on facebook can topple a dictator, anyone can become a star in 48 hours, regardless of their age or gender. Taking into consideration the voting public's love of social media competitions, the timing could not be better for the launching of the first online senior performance pageant--Ms. Senior USA.

 This performance pageant is an incredible opportunity for senior woman to not only showcase their talents using networking sites, like facebook and Youtube and twitter, it gives them a platform to promote their business, and share their stories with millions of people.

How It Works

The Ms. Senior USA voting will involve the public in the preliminary and semi-finals through the use of each contestant's page on the www.msseniorusa.com website, a YouTube 2 min video of their talent, voting Facebook friends and Twitter followers, and e-mails. It is also the perfect vehicle for families to work together to promote their favorite senior contestant. The final judging will give them a chance to win $3,000 and perform onstage at Harrah's in Las Vegas, Nevada, August, 2011.

The Ms. Senior USA pageant is the brainchild of three amazing women who met in the Ms. Senior America California finals.  All three women had been contestants in the pageant and found the experience fun, up lifting, a chance to show off their talents, and a perfect event to share with their family and friends. Jean Margaret Jones, who was director of the pageant, Elaine Brammell, a local Miss pageant director, and Joni Wilson, a voice and performance coach became friends and talked about how fortunate they were to be in an area where participating  in such an event was possible. Their vision was to create an online competition that would be accessible and affordable to every talented senior woman over sixty in the USA. They wanted to offer a safe place for senior women to show their talent and share their message using today's phenomenal social networking sites.

This month their dream became a reality as their new website at www.msseniorusa.com is now up and ready to take on contestants from every state in the USA. They urge every woman over 60 with a talent to share, whether it be singing , dancing, novelty or "surprise us", to sign up on the web site, it's only $25 for the first preliminary event and who knows, you may be the next Betty White! Oh, and don't feel left out guys, Mr. Senior USA is their next project coming soon to a computer near you!

For further information or to sign up for the ride of your life . . .or to sign up your talented grandmother, visit the Ms. Senior USA website at www.msseniorusa.com or visit the msseniorusablog.com. For further information or interviews, E-mail Joni Wilson @ joniwilsonvoice@yahoo.com.

- END-


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Name: Joni Wilson
Title: Voice Expert/Best Selling Author
Group: Joni Wilson Voice Studio
Dateline: San Diego, CA United States
Direct Phone: 619-229-0726
Cell Phone: 619.229.0726
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