Monday, May 1, 2023
It’s the countdown to the Coronation of Charles III as King
and Camilla as Queen of the United Kingdom, on May 6th
at Westminster Abbey in London. Preparations are in their
final stages-for the Royal Family, as well as the terrorists.
Radical Islamists (Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS) have been
recruiting their believers to take revenge on Prince Harry
and the Royals, ever since he wrote about his tours of duty
in Afghanistan and boasted about killing 25 terrorists in
his memoir, Spare. You will hear how they have ordered
Harry’s death, announcing, “Let Islamic hands take their
just retribution!”
There are other extremists, too, who are planning to stage
protests of varying sorts, including: The Republic, whose
slogan is “Not My King”, to Ecoterrorists, such as Just Stop
Oil, Climate Control, and Extinction Rebellion. There are
also miscellaneous anarchists, lone wolves, and common
criminals – since the crowds will be a picnic for pickpockets,
and more. Some claim their plans are nonviolent, such as
placards and noise. Others don’t hide their more violent
intentions, such as tossing rape alarms at the horses.
We’ll also look at the preparations being made by those in
charge of protecting the Royals, visiting heads of state and
onlookers: Operations Golden Orb and Tower of London.
There will be police, military, and terrorist task forces. But,
the danger is greater than at previous big events such as
the Platinum Jubilee and Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, and
you will hear why.
Then we will look at what else Harry and Meghan have to
do with it. A Prince Harry lookalike, who has been forced to
disguise himself because of the threats on Harry’s life, has
some wise advice for the Prince. A Russian artist is selling
blood-soaked copies of Spare for $10,000 – with blood from
Afghans. Meghan and her family are terrorizing the
Coronation in another way – with bids to steal the spotlight.