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Success @ RadioTour.com
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Ten Ways for Immediate Success @ RadioTour.com -- With Video Instructions and Links To Resources Below

Ten Links to resources below.

** Take Action: 1) Know what we offer from the Brochure. 2) Read the Member Handbook. 3) Send news releases. 4) 22 best practices for action.

** Buy Placement: So Action by Other Members Benefits you. 5) Upgrade so you appear above others in search. 6) Renew paid membership to gain rank. 7) Get exclusive top position with a leader board on your topic.

** Ask for the Upgrade: Call (202) 333-5000 8) Get rewards when you connect to Twitter. 9) Get rewards when you add ExpertClick badges to your Web site. 10) Get Advantage Points and Earn Cash in our Affiliate Program.

Resource Links:

1) Expert Brochure @ http://www.ExpertBrochure.com

2) Member Handbook @ http://www.MemberHandbook.com

3) How to Send News Releases @ http://www.WebHandbook.com

4) Best Practices @ http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/35250

5) Rank is based on member level @ http://www.ExpertClick.com/Create

6) Example Gary Patterson has renewed to 2013 to lead on his management: http://www.expertclick.com/Expert/SearchExpertsByKeyword.aspx?Favorite=1&TopicID=4362&Keyword=Management

7) Patricia Fripp has a color leader board add on her topic ?Presentation Skills? to ensure publicity: http://www.expertclick.com/Expert/SearchExpertsByKeyword.aspx?Favorite=1&TopicID=5440&Keyword=Presentation+Skills

8) Detailed Power Point instructions on how to connect your News Release Wire RSS Feed to twitter. http://www.newsreleasewire.com/35145

9) See ExpertClick badges and News Release Wire badges @ http://www.promotioninmotion.net/pressreleasepage.html Easy to download when you log in and go to your manage releases area.

10) Join the ExpertClick affiliate Program to earn Advantage Points, Upgrades and Referral Cash. Ask for our link ? Here?s a sample from Morgan James: http://publishing.morgan-james.com/dashboard/author-guide/press-release-guide/

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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