Home > NewsRelease > Speaking Topics by Mitchell P. Davis, Founder -- The Yearbook of Experts. Each presentation is set to last seven minutes.
Speaking Topics by Mitchell P. Davis, Founder -- The Yearbook of Experts. Each presentation is set to last seven minutes.
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Thursday, March 19, 2020


Speaking Topics by Mitchell P. Davis, Founder -- The Yearbook of Experts.

Each presentation is set to last seven minutes.  To keep the room's attention, I can't cover everything. So, I'll just do the highlights.   Items One to Eight can be done in one hour.

  1. Ten Ways Experts Build Their Brands – audience participation to choose seven of the ten topics here:  www.NewsReleaseWire.com/23590 -- handout of questions and answers given.
  2. Don't Get a Job – Create Your Own Opportunity with Consulting, Speaking, Training and Coaching. These are four great avocations that deliver freedom: being your own boss, having freedom to travel. How to change your mind-set from "looking for a job" to seeking connections and opportunity to make lots more money for focused work.  Handout with action steps and contacts.
  3. Customer Supply Chain – ISO 9000 practices to ensure customers arrive on schedule.  Examples of how great companies ensure continued new business.
  4. Blue Ocean Marketing Strategies – Finding new business where others are not.
  5. 23 Ways to Get More Clients.  Attendees receive a copyright-free handout which they may re-purpose and share with their clients who are seeking more business.
  6. Protect Your Brand – 10 sites at which to register your user name – Links at www.BrandWhale.com

URL -Twitter -Facebook -LinkedIN -YouTube -Google -Yahoo -MySpace -Digg -Delicious -Technorati -Vimeo

  1. What Would Dottie Say? --  Selected speaking business strategies I've learned listening to recording made by Dottie Walters, one of the original leaders in the speaking business.
  2. Collaborative Economics – reaching past social media to generate business.  How to create synergy of collaboration and new business, and why never to push your business card at someone – make the conversation about two things.
    1. Their needs;
    2. Your connections that can solve those needs.
  3. Training Classes for General Internet Knowledge – Not theory, but actual like presentations, where I invite a member of the audience to step forward, and we:
    1. Learn how to record video with The Flip camera – a very simple way to build content;
    2. Open a YouTube.com account, and upload a video;
    3. How to open a YouTube.com channel, and get people to subscribe to your videos;
    4. Why to have a e-mail opt-in form on your Web site:
      1. The instant benefits;
      2. How to use Constant Contact to set it up.
  4. Training Classes for Yearbook of Experts' Members on Using ExpertClick.com:
    1. How to send news releases – best practices, and simple things to avoid;
    2. The importance of defining your Web objective and choosing to build pages that attract specific business;
    3. Search-engine optimization techniques, and how to choose keywords;
    4. How to use Google Keyword Selector to find the best words for your news releases;
    5. How to use KWMap to find related words, and Keyword Spy to learn from P-P-C ads to use those words in organic marketing;
    6. How to use organic breadcrumbs and text links to drive traffic.

All presentations are made in an editorial style.  I do not "sell from the podium," but we've found that many members at the end of a presentation like to hear a one-minute summary of our services.  As a benefit for the organizing group, we offer to split 50% / 50% on our sales of ExpertClick memberships sold at the time of the event.   In January 2010 at a National Speakers Association event, we raised $4,200; the organizing group made $2,100.    

                                                                                                                                                                Updated:  March 1, 2010


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Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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