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Speaking Topics by Mitchell P. Davis, Founder -- The Yearbook of Experts.
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mitchell Davis - Speaker
Speaking Topics by Mitchell P. Davis, Founder -- The Yearbook of Experts.

Each presentation is set to last seven minutes. To keep the room's attention, I can't cover everything, so I'll just do the highlights. Items One to Eight can be done in one hour.

1) Ten Ways Experts Build Their Brands – audience participation to choose seven of the ten topics here: www.NewsReleaseWire.com/23590 -- Handout of Questions and Answers given.

2) Don't Get a Job – Create your own opportunity with Consulting, Speaking, Training and Coaching – Four great avocations that deliver freedom, being your own boss, having freedom to travel – How to change your mind-set from "Looking for a Job" to seeking connections and opportunity to make lots more money for focused work. Handout with action steps and contacts.

3) Customer Supply Chain – ISO 9000 practices to ensure customers arrive on schedule. Examples of how great companies ensure continued new business.

4) Blue Ocean Marketing Strategies – Finding news business where other's are not.

5) Twenty Three Ways to Get More Clients. With a copyright-free handout, that attendees may re-purpose and share with their clients who are seeking more business.

6) Protect your brand – Ten sites to register your brand, as the User name – Links at www.BrandWhale.com

URL -Twitter -Facebook -LinkedIN -YouTube -Google -Yahoo -MySpace -Digg -Delicious -Technorati -Vimeo

7) What would Dottie Say: Selected speaking business strategies I've learned listening to recording made by Dottie Walters, one of the original leaders in the speaking business.

8) Collaborative Economics – Reaching past Social Media to generate business. How to create synergy of collaboration and new business, and why never to push your business card at someone – make the conversation about two things.

a. Their needs

b. Your connections that can solve those needs.

9) Training Classes for General Internet Knowledge – Not theory, but actual like presentations, where I invite a member of the audience to step forward, and we:

a. How to record video with The Flip Camera – a very simple way to build content.

b. Open a YouTube.com account and upload a video.

c. How to open a YouTube.com Channel, and get people to subscribe to your videos

d. Why to have a e-mail opt-in form on your web site:

i. The Instant Benefits

ii. How to use Constant Contact to set it up.

10) Training Classes for Yearbook of Expert's members on how to use ExpertClick.com:

a. How to send news releases – best practices, and simple things to avoid.

b. The importance of defining your web objective and choosing to build pages that attract specific business.

c. Search Engine Optimization technique, and how to choose keywords

d. How to use Google Keyword Selector to find the best words for your news releases

e. How to use KWMap to find related words, and Keyword Spy to learn from PPC ads to use those words in organic marketing.

f. How to use Organic Breadcrumbs and text links to drive traffic.

All presentations are made in an editorial style. I do not "sell from the podium" but we've found many members at the end of a presentation, like to hear a one-minute summary of our services, and as a benefit for the organizing group we offer to split 50% / 50% on our sales of ExpertClick memberships sold at the time of the event. In January 2010 at a National Speakers Association we raised $4,200 and the organizing group made $2,100.

Updated: February 22, 2010

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Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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