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Smart Funny From Change Masters Incorporated
Change Masters Incorporated Change Masters Incorporated
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Minneapolis, MN
Tuesday, February 4, 2020


My husband and I were visiting New York City. We were in the audience for the Seth Meyers show. We had a chance to see how gracefully Meyers handled a last minute cancellation of his primary guest.

It could have been a disaster, or encouraged some bad behavior. Instead, the producers used a prerecorded backup segment for the show and Meyers spent the extra time walking into the audience to answer questions. It turned out to be a bonus for the audience. Meyers was brilliantly funny, authentic, and smart.

Seth Meyers executive presence truly enhanced the experience that could have otherwise gone poorly. He was a great example for all of use when things don’t go according to plan.

Executive Presence Tip by Carol Keers

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Thomas Mungavan, MBA, CSP
Title: President
Group: Change Masters® Incorporated
Dateline: Minneapolis, MN United States
Direct Phone: 763-231-6410
Main Phone: 1-800-CHANGE-1
Cell Phone: 763-476-4200
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