Thursday, June 19, 2014

Great Customer service is absolutely vital to any organization or business.
It seems so simple: Great service creates loyal Customers and greater profits. But in this Darwinian world, companies are routinely spending more time and money in attempting to acquire Customers than they spend on retaining them. If you don?t want to put emphasis on Customer relations and Customer feedback, or really emphasize to your team the importance of putting the Customer first and striving to improve Customer service, then you will soon be out of business.
If you decide to give great service and create greater profits, it?s time to invest in the tools that will help you implement these simple truths at every level. This book will help you “shift” your thinking from “why” to WOW, helping you retain more Customers, employees, and suppliers to focus your power to make a difference.
This book is now available, with my compliments, for a limited time on the Aha Amplifier:
A significant advantage of this book is the ease of sharing the book?s Ahas that resonate with you via your social network on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+.
Please sign up an account on the Aha Amplifier, (it’s free) and check it out. The Aha Amplifier helps you increase your influence by amplifying and activating quality “Aha” moments! Each Aha is sharable via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+, so you can easily share an important idea or statement with thousands (if not millions) of people.
About the Author:
James Feldman, CITE, CPIM, CPT, MIP, forges collaborative ideation and educates organizations how to innovate from top to bottom and bottom to top. Whether you want to improve daily efficiencies or bring an entirely new product to market, James? insights are built to maximize organizations? return on investment and provide powerful, measurable results over time. Guided by the framework of science and experimentation, though not to the exclusion of hunches, impressions, and intuition, his approach as a practitioner applies this knowledge to real world situations, which are applicable to every organization.
About THiNKaha (
makes it easy to create compelling content that helps to turn corporate experts into recognized thought leaders. THiNKaha services include the Aha Amplifier, thought leadership interviews via Google Hangouts, creating content portals, book publishing, webinar publishing, social media, traditional media coaching and vetted referrals, thought leadership mentoring/coaching, and many other thought leadership services, including the creation and support of corporations? thought leadership blueprints.
To have us help your corporation amplify its thought leadership, please contact Jenilee Maniti at or at (408) 257-3000.