Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Perhaps no other country celebrates innovation the way America does. In America, we’re reminded of the life-changing power of inventiveness every day. We all know innovation is important. In today’s business climate, innovation isn’t an option. It’s a requirement.
It’s about becoming a NOWIST…not a futurist.
It’s about TODAY, not tomorrow.

Learn from the past, plan for the future, deliver in the present.
There are some great innovators. Dyson. Apple. Tumi. Maui Jim. Samsung.
As companies begin to refocus on growth, innovation has once again become a priority. In a recent McKinsey Global Survey 84 percent of executives say innovation is extremely or very important to their companies? growth strategy. The results also show that the approach companies use to generate good ideas and turn them into products and services has changed little since before the crisis, and not because executives thought what they were doing worked perfectly.

Who thought that a USB could store more data than early computers?
Competitive companies know that while cutting costs might keep them in business today, increasing revenue means staying in business tomorrow. How do you increase revenue?
Through innovation.
Companies today are challenged to manage the ongoing innovation process. But they face a long list of obstacles: piecing together critical information, storing it in disparate sources, and developing a consistent process of bringing best of breed ideas to market. Implementing a company- wide innovation platform can effectively capture the collective wisdom of employees, partners, and customers; and efficiently manage the identification and implementation of next generation products and services.
Choosing the right tools and having the proper expertise to effectively innovate will be a defining factor in a company?s ability to survive in today?s increasingly complex, competitive business landscape. Join me on the Journey To Bright Ideas. Tell me what you think of the new iPhone6, the new Dyson hand dryer, the latest Tumi four wheel luggage, or any other new idea or product you want to discuss.