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Screenplay Writer/Producer Has 5 Films Released by Two Major Distributors – From Scams to Love and Everyday Life
Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books
San Ramon, CA
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Posters of 5 New Films Recently Released

           It can be hard for a new screenplay writer or producer to get any film made, but in 10 years, screenplay writer/producer and book author Gini Graham Scott has scored a major coup – 5 documentaries released in four months by two major distributors  The films are Conned: A True Story and Con Artists Unveiled from Gravitas Ventures based on the books The Big Con and Scammed, and When Love Goes Bad, Surviving Change, and Finding Happiness from Adler & Associates Entertainment.

            It's an unusual achievement that Scott has been working towards for 10 years. Now she is on the verge of a big breakthrough in the film industry as she writes her next script which has already been picked up by a long-time agent. It's called Aimy, about a man who falls in love with a lovebot that communicates with ChatGPT, resulting in problems with his girlfriend and other crazy complications in his life.

            Along the way to this achievement, Scott has developed 18 films with 15 completed films in distribution that reflect her specialties in films and documentaries about relationships, crime, and everyday life.           

            The films can be viewed as a series in which individuals encounter difficulties in their life – from scams, bad relationships, and everyday problems to meeting the challenges and finding happiness in the end. It's a philosophy Scott has followed in her daily life, based on turning any bad experiences into something good by learning life lessons or discovering how to do something better in the future. For example, as an author, she has turned many bad experiences into dozens of books – from dealing with liars to rebounding from scams. Most recently she turned the theft of her Facebook account and groups into articles and books about the black market for stolen social media groups and how to protect one's social media accounts.

            Following are a brief description and links to the trailers and Amazon listings for her 5 latest films, the first two dealing with scams, the other three with relationships and experiences in everyday life.

Conned: A True Story tells the true stories of multiple scams. Bank accounts were wiped out, lives were all but destroyed, and the survivors have gathered together to tell their stories and reveal the dark secrets of those con artists. A trailer is at  https://youtu.be/u6zg0G6IqZM. The Amazon link is at https://www.amazon.com/Conned-True-Story-Robert-Newman/dp/B0CHB1ZYRW

Con Artists Unveiled. Hosted by world renown magicians, Evan Disney & Dan Sperry, featuring interviews with professional con artists, and their victims, with insights from law enforcement and psychologists, giving us a window into the underworld of con artistry. A trailer is at https://youtu.be/rEP21wFmWmM.  The Amazon link is at https://www.amazon.com/Artists-Unveiled-Evan-Disney/dp/B0CGV4Z37Y

When Love Goes Bad is a documentary which features two dozen individuals who once had good relationships that turned bad. In the interviews, individuals tell their story and offer tips on how others can deal with relationships that go bad and use them to deal with problem relationships in the future. The film also features several psychologists, counselors, consultants, and coaches who help individuals deal with relationships.  A trailer is at: https://youtu.be/FTwytspxCAs.  The Amazon link is at https://www.amazon.com/When-Love-Goes-Bad-Adame/dp/B0CP5M56RZ

Surviving Change features the way people survived challenging experiences in life and the changes they made as a result. The focus is on the people's everyday experiences, from discovering they can't trust a friend or family member and having to adjust to a different way of life after a move to overcoming a major illness or disaster. The completed screener is available to film industry professionals on request. A trailer is at: https://youtu.be/6Tx79hKqm3A.  The Amazon link is at https://www.amazon.com/Surviving-Change-Maria-Bova/dp/B0CLSFFB96

Finding Happiness features two dozen individuals talking about how they have found happiness in life in various ways -- from their family and friends to having and achieving their goals and dreams in life. It describes how some of found happiness after undergoing and mastering a series of challenges in life. It also features some experts talking about the ways that individuals achieve true happiness, regardless of the economic circumstances in life.  A trailer is at: https://youtu.be/4OkvX8bG0Cs.  The Amazon link is at https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Happiness-Maria-Bova/dp/B0CK19JVLV

            Besides producing 18 features films and documentaries, Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., has garnered 263 awards for her screenplays in film festivals around the world.  She has published over 200 books, more than 50 with traditional publishers, works as a ghostwriter with dozens of clients, and speaks about writing, publishing. For the last year, she has been working with AI as a writer and illustrator, publishing over three dozen non-fiction and children's books with AI's assistance and speaking to groups about using AI for writing and illustrating books.

For more information, press inquiries, or to schedule an interview with Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., please contact:

Karen Andrews

Executive Assistant to Gini Graham Scott

Changemakers Publishing, Writing, and Production

San Ramon, California

925) 804-6333




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Name: Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: Director
Group: Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Dateline: San Ramon, CA United States
Direct Phone: (925) 804-6333
Cell Phone: 510-919-4030
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