Home > NewsRelease > Sales & Marketing Job at ExpertClick -- Now Open
Sales & Marketing Job at ExpertClick -- Now Open
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Sunday, March 8, 2020


Earn $10 when you apply with writing samples, upon our request.

Earn $25 when you complete second level steps to be able to sell.

Website of the company is www.ExpertClick.com -- please visit the site to see we offer experts for news media interview, We sell memberships to experts so they can promote themselves -- sort of like a dating service -- The New York Times called us :"Dial-an-Expert." Now on our 36 year - stared in 1984.

Person to contact for job is: Mitchell Davis (202) 333-5000 or by email at ExpertClick@Gmail.com

$10 PayPal sent when after the initial telephone call if you are invited to apply by sending in:

A) Provide writing samples or B) Take our "News Release Writing Test."

.As this job has 90% email contact for both Sales & Account Management -- we have to see quality in your written communications.

"Sales & Marketing" plus "Customer Service" ---- :Leads Provided --- Work From Home. at Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. - Washington, DC

Compensation: $150 to $250 Daily (Job Is commission -- Commission only)-

( But you do get a $150 for your first ten hours -- $15 an hour for first 10 hours when starting assignment You get a $25 a month stipend to help pay your phone bill, ...and a $ 25 bonus doing initial set up.)

Employment Type: Contractor

Why Work Here? World-wide leads provided. You Can Sell 24/7 World-Wide -- You get Personal Support from CEO.

There are two ways to make money: - For the two parts -- You can work one of them, or can do both.

***) Sell and have others to customer work to service the account. $100 per sale.

***) Do customer service on accounts others have sold $25 an hour -- service to already sold accounts

***) Both --- Sell the account and service it. $100 sale & $25 an hour service -- best way to earnl



1) Sales & Marketing Executive bring in the customers- $100 Royalty - Commission based – per sale.

2) Account Manager to service customers already sold , Account manager acts as full service PR, where you sell writing services (writing and sending news releases) and at $50 an hour you keep $25 an hour.

How to sell, and the math behind the $150 to $250 a day. It is suggested that you can close two sales a day, from your "lead" to "prospect" to "free trial" to "sold: mission: 40 "leads covert to 20 "prospects" coverts to 10 "free trials" convert to 2 "sales."

There is no "cold call" phone work. You work by email – and the phone only comes into play if they as the email for you to call them, or they pick up the phone all you.

You can set up a program like Boomerang, you can set up e-mails at night or over the weekend and have your computer send the e-mail during office hours, a big productivity booster.


Two ways to make money:

#1 --- Sell an annual membership to use ExpertClick.com ...see the membership offer at www.ExpertClick.com/Join

#2 --- Sell your services to send news releases and help them with marketing.

Way #1:

Is to earn a $100 royalty when you sell a new member account and the member takes over the account and pays. We provide the leads for you to contact. -- This is affiliate marketing on steroids for you've got two ways to win:

Send them the link to the join page so they can buy. You will be assigned an affiliate link that will offer them a 15% discount on the membership price, and when they use your affiliate link, it is clear you made then, you paid by PayPal the day of the sale. … or they can register for the free trial using your name.

Get an OK via e-mail or phone call, and set them up for a 7-day free trial -- where you get them fully signed up. Then they have moved from prospect to free trial. Once you have their OK, you can build the profile for them. There is a video training that shows you how to set up the account. You find out if paid in 7 days. Then you can close them, or the automated system can and you get paid either way.

Suggestion: Offer to set up the free trial for them by filling out the free 7-day trial form -- Then you know it gets done and the trial starts.

get them to go to the free join page and use your name in the special offer box for the 7-day trial. See the "Free Pass" page here: www.ExpertClick.com/Free

Way #2:

Be a public relations partner with Broadcast Interview Source, where you write profiles and send news releases on assignment, the client has to provide the information. You can bring in clients on spec, as you use the full system free of charge. The rate card is $50 an hour and you make 50% of your billing. For sending news releases and we comp you the full ExpertClick & News Release Wire system to use. Plan is to get them to buy a minimum of four hours at $50 an hour -- gross sale is then $200, then you get $100 each purchase cycle. $50 X 4 divided by ½ = $100.

It's easy to get started and the best part is you can offer either option to potential clients, and there are unlimited clients who are pre-qualified by sending news releases of paying for expert profiles on other sites. We show you the best sites where people are already paying for press releases. We also have leads pre-entered in the Expertclick admin, so they are easy to update and turn on. Plus printed directories.

You should earn $100 minimum for each sale, and much more if you offer press release writing and the management of the account for them, so there is potential on-going revenue for you. … and getting the news releases written is easy. You can subcontract to willing people at Fiverr.com.

Ten ways you'll get leads from headquarters.

1) You'll get inquires just like in shoe store the new leads are given next salesperson in the roster.

2) We pre-loaded 1,700 national association that are already in "force trial" and need to contacted,

3) Same with some 2,000 speakers who attended – in person – conventions.

4) There are some 2,000 expired ExpertClick, many who never took advance of news release wire.

5) The some 500 expired member did send news release and have lots of content for SEO if they renew.

6) Some 300 returned postal mail has come back for postal mailing

7) Some 500 e-mails the have bounced – that usually means our contact is not at that company/association any more and we need to reach out

8) There are endless web sites where people send news releases – the "may we pick your news release" foot in door works with these. (do not reach out sites, where the can send news releases, for they will not buy

9) We have printed Expert Witness books.

10) We have printed directories of associations

Three ways you'll have access with leads:

1) You'll reach out to expires and offer great renewal offer.

2) You'll reach out the pre-loaded speaker and associations

3) You use any of the printed directories to find leads

Four ways to market

1) Reach out with paid offer link – saves them 15% - get $100

2) Reach out with free seven day pass offer with http://www.expertclick.com/discount/Your_Name

3) You'll pre-register a new account, -- Forced Trial – then reach with link ask pick up their blog or a news release..

4) You'll contact and ask if you can pick and redistribute a news release of post you saw in social media, then set up an account and send the release -- a very soft way to get into the sales process.

*** NO COLD CALLS -- One way you not market is to make "Cold Telephone Calls"


Here how we do the hiring process:

Applicants have clear promotion of steps to become a partner –

from: Prospect – Lead – Applicant – Provisional partner --– Junior partner -- Partner

Application steps for applicants to do

Level One:

Initial 5 Minute phone call

Applicant to complete Job test.


$10 Paypal to applicant for completion of job test.

Then if accepted based on the writing text go to Level two.

Level Two:

View 15 minutes of training videos

Applicant asked to:

1. Join our "slack" sales system -- Join at www.Slack.com free

2. Create an ExpertCick profile for yourself at www.ExpertClick.com/free

3. Create an account at www.Hubspot.com -- The sales version. – it is free.

4. Enter 2 prospects into the Hubspot account – get the account @ Hubspot.com – it is free.

Applicant to receive $25 PayPal bonus, when the four steps above completed.

Applicant is, upon our acceptance of the second level, is to become a provisional partner.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
Jump To Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Jump To Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
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