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Restaurateurs Suing Insurance Companies & Seven More Top Releases.
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Washington, DC
Friday, May 1, 2020


Restaurateurs Suing Insurance Companies & Seven More Top Releases.

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New Orleans Attorney John Houghtaling Files Civil Lawsuit to Force Insurance Companies to Honor Business Interruption Claims.

NEW ORLEANS, LA. – In New Orleans Parish Civil District Court, New Orleans attorney John Houghtaling filed the state's first business interruption lawsuit seeking a court decision on whether insurer Lloyds of London is obligated to cover a French Quarter restaurant group under a viral pandemic claim.

Houghtaling's filing seeks a Declaratory Judgement asking the New Orleans Civil District Court to decide whether a civil ordinance by the Governor triggers a Lloyd's of London business income interruption policy for his client Oceana Grill and it's holding companies. If the court finds that business interruption insurance policies should cover business shutdowns linked to the Coronavirus, this would be a landmark case that has global financial implications.

This is not the first time Houghtaling's firm has weighed in on a national crisis. Houghtaling of Gauthier Murphy & Houghtaling, LLC, the law firm credited with leading the class action that led to the $286 billion settlement with Big Tobacco.

Said Houghtaling, "Like thousands of businesses across America, my client faithfully paid policy premiums to an insurance company for business income interruption coverage. The policy issued by Lloyds of London provides coverage for a civil authority shutdown and does not contain an exclusion for a virus pandemic. We filed this action because we have reason to believe that Lloyd's took premiums without the intention of providing the indemnity paid for. It is our hope that Lloyd's and other similarly situated insurers will abide by their commitment to their policyholders. The filing asks for no damages or compensation for me or my law firm, but it is my sincere hope that the precedent of this action will protect the vital lifeline relied upon by businesses across America and the families they employ"

For interviews with John Houghtaling contact:

Greg Buisson at greg@buissoncreative.com or 504-378-3792

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Get WealthFit! Podcast - Dustin Mathews, Get WealthFit Host: Finding The True Meaning Of Wealth

Dustin Mathews is the Co-Founder and Chief Education Officer of WealthFit.com – an online learning startup focused on teaching all the stuff you never learned in school about money, investing, & entrepreneurship. He's also the host of the Get WealthFit! podcast, where he's had the chance to "get inside the heads" of top investors & entrepreneurs like 'Rich Dad' Robert Kiyosaki, Racing Legend Danica Patrick, Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank, Marquis Jets' Founder Jesse Itzler, 7x Olympic Medalist Shannon Miller, Seal Team Six Leader Rob O'Neill and many others.

Dustin Mathews



San Diego, CA

800) 917-9754

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Free, Online Programs Help Consultants, Businesses Survive and Thrive in Crisis

Fort Lauderdale, Florida. — April 28, 2020 — Businesses are struggling in the Coronavirus crisis and economic downturn. The consultants who serve them are struggling as well. There is help. The Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA, www.imcusa.org), is providing free Town Hall discussions for consultants on how to survive and thrive and lead their clients through the crisis. The Town Hall discussions include expert consultants in Finance, Digita

l Marketing, HR, Supply Chain, Technology and other areas. These consultants help each other, their clients and their communities to not only survive, but thrive, in the crisis. The first two of five Town Hall discussions in a series titled "Leading through the Crisis," had over 100 registrants each.

"There is a lot of power when our certified and professional consultants get together on an issue," said Certified Management ConsultantÒ and Board Director Julia Demkowski. "Our first Town Hall to bring expert advice to the consulting and business community resulted in many tips and success stories to help businesses and organizations change and pivot to get through the current crisis" One consultant shared that they had recently galvanized the board of a children's education non-profit to be first in line with their Paycheck Protection Program application. As a result of the consultant's efforts, the non-profit received approval for the PPP funds. Others shared stories of how they survived past crises as a consultant.

Additional Town Hall sessions will take place on Wednesdays at 2 PM Eastern on May 6th and May 20th, and June 3rd. For more information and to register for Town Halls and other events by IMC USA, visit the IMC USA Events Calendar.

About the Institute of Management Consultants

Founded in 1968, IMC USA exists to promote excellence and ethics in management consulting. It does so by providing online and in-person professional learning and a community platform where consultants can connect with each other and build their practices in order to deliver transformative value for their clients. The nonprofit IMC USA is a charter member of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), a 50-nation body that sets global standards for competence, professionalism and ethics for management consultants. IMC USA is the only U.S. entity to provide certification for individual management consultants and management consulting firms which conforms to the international standards of the ICMCI. IMC USA has offered an annual conference, now called Consult-Con, for consultants for over 50 years.

Noelle Campany

Media Contact


Ft. Lauderdale, FL



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From Near Death to Devotional Mission to Enlighten: Rick Pribell Discusses Wide Range of Issues in Series of Radio Show Podcasts


Ft. Lauderdale, Fl—Life is a series of choices made by and for us, sometimes through our own volition a path is chosen while all too often mysterious events sweep through to alter everything. In 2020 the unexpected C-Crisis is turning billions of lives worldwide upside down and sideways, which in turn brings up the inevitable questions of the meaning of life and God's purpose? Rick Pribell, author of Amazon bestseller Imagine God, as been pondering such questions ever since his own life was upended by a near fatal heart and life-saving quadruple bypass surgery. Massive inflection points in life create many results, and in Rick's case it produced a decidedly intense devotional mission to enlighten.

During a recent appearance on the James Lowe Radio Show, broadcast on the iHeart network, Rick candidly discussed the most important aspects of his book, why he chose a new path in life and how he approaches each new step in the process (edited podcasts below). Rick Pribell's passion can be felt in a voice which transmits a calm demeanor laced with assured confidence in messages of hope. Not sugar coating his beliefs or how God wants us to react to challenges, he related to the audience how "we should fear God but nothing else"

He emphasized that Imagine God, in comparison to his other books, is targeted for a much wider audience in order to get across one key factor; it is our emotional responses to what life throws at us which brings us closer to God's Spirit. Rick Pribell said his soul searching, travels and research led him to conclude this was the intention of God in our creation, and to him this seemed entirely logical. Here you have belief mixed with a science of deduction approach which results in a conclusion born from Rick's suffering, remorse, reflection and redemption.

Despite Rick's absolute mastery of Biblical history and text, one feels they are being spoken to as an equal. Insight from his own perils has brought him to millions with a primary and urgent message; don't wait to embrace God. Nearly robbed of that opportunity, Rick Pribell's devotional mission to enlighten comes through with heartfelt resonance in the radio show podcasts below.

Visit his website at https://www.ImagineGodBooks.com

Scott Lorenz

Westwind Communications

Plymouth, MI



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Two Critical Elements Leaders Need Right Now

Two Critical Elements Leaders Need Right Now

In this time of disruption none of us is exempt from difficulties and all of us need support to step up and show our best selves. The alternative is to retreat into fear, helplessness, and blame. In this newsletter I deal with two distinct capabilities organizational leaders right now in order to build resilient teams: empathy and competence.


Empathy is critically important right now and fundamental to quality connection and psychological safety. Leaders must excel in this attribute if they are to bring out the best in their people. The term empathy is often misunderstood and loosely equated with caring for others, telling others that they are understood or being aware of others' human needs. However, whether one is seen to be empathetic or not is determined by its recipient. It's their experience that matters.

Empathy encompasses the following five core elements:

1. Seeing the world as others see it

2. Deeply connecting with the lived experience of another, both rational and emotional

3. Managing the internal tendency to judge another's map of the world

4. Genuinely caring about another person's experience, and not just when it's easy to do so.

5. Communicating in a language that enables another to feel known, cared for and understood

When we experience empathy, we are far more able to articulate our fears, challenges, concerns, hopes, and dreams. With the articulation of our deeper thought and feelings comes the ability to see them for what they are and to move through them most positively. This in turn prevents team members from feeling stuck and enables them to capitalize on their potential.


Leaders who model competence enable others to feel more anchored and hopeful despite uncertainty. The following five actions are exemplars of leaders demonstrating competence

1. Building confidence by frequently communicating the approach that will enable the organization to succeed through the crisis

2. Connecting teams with shorter and longer-term purpose as they navigate disruptive change

3. Demonstrating each person's specific role in relation to immediate goals and readjusting roles so that people can contribute maximally in the new environment

4. Clarifying expectations regarding what good looks like in the present environment

5. Dynamically providing feedback so individuals and teams can adjust in line with changing needs

Leaders frequently have one of the above two dimensions but rarely have both.

Paula Flynn, The Alchemist of Teams. Freeing Collaborative Genius

Interview Requests: pflynn@oisin.com.au

Learn about our transformational coaching culture methodology. Contact pflynn@oisin.com.au

Learn how to free collaborative genius in your organisation. Contact pflynn@oisin.com.au

Paula Flynn is internationally renowned as The Alchemist of Teams. Her approach has been deployed in over forty countries around the world. She has an uncanny ability to free collaborative genius, enabling teams and groups to achieve truly transformational results. She has achieved tremendous success with Boards of Management, executive teams, line functions, strategic teams, and alliances in the world's highest-profile organizations. Her reputation as an incisive, high impact consultant, facilitator, and coach has resulted in organizations using her expertise across diverse industries in every continent across the globe. Paula's distinctive approach enables teams to embrace dissonance, transform conflict, shift mindsets as well as generate the synergy to coalesce around compelling purpose. Her unique expertise has generated enormous value not only in typical contexts but in situations where collaboration is perceived as impossible.

Her clients include CEOs, VPs, and senior leaders in fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations globally, including Kraft Foods, Mondelez,, Bacardi, Fonterra, Firmenich, GHD, Clayton Utz, PwC, major hospitals, health insurers and the Department of Health and Human Services

Paula Flynn

Oisin Pty Ltd





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Where in the World is Kim Jong Un?

The coronavirus is messing with all of us, so I try to fight back with laughter. Watch this week's Friday Funnies and see if you don't feel a little bit safer.

As The Professional Summarizer I add a new dimension to your next cyber meeting or Zoom call. I listen to the entire meeting and pay attention to every detail. Then I report back to the audience or what they should have learned in the form of a comedy monologue. What I did with this week's news I do for your meeting.

Dale Irvin

Professional Summarizer

Downers Grove, IL



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How to Prepare for a Post-Pandemic Rebirth

Use the pandemic as a time for transformation.

Despite the constant news reports about increasing numbers of coronavirus deaths, we have the opportunity now to prepare for a post-pandemic rebirth. Indeed, people all around the world are cocooned and preparing for transformation.

We have all been asked to wrap ourselves in the safety of our homes. During this time of social distancing, we each have the opportunity to grow and change in ways that allow us to break free of the cocoon once the pandemic is over, spread our wings, and fly. But that will only happen if you use this time wisely and take the necessary precautions.

Nina Amir

Inspiration to Creation Coach

Pure Spirit Creations

Los Gatos, CA




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The O-R-E-O Strategy: Offer [Podcast]

Even in the midst of the fog of uncertainty, there's a large number of opportunities that exist for you, your members and your business.

In this episode of the More Members Now Podcast, we continue to discuss the O-R-E-O Strategy to get and keep more members by crafting exciting offers to engage your prospective memberships.

________________________________________ Eliminate the Chaos of Running a Membership Business and Increase Your Monthly Recurring Revenue! Join us each week for tips, tools, blueprints and the best in membership strategies.

Scott Whitaker



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Atlanta Property Owner Takes on Govt. When He Finds His Land Previously was Hazardous Toxic Dump Site, Discovers Vast Cover-up

**Atlanta government offers "Hush money," refuses environmental testing when confronted

Atlanta GA – Jerry Brow's life has been a nightmare since he discovered the properties he purchased for development were previously an illegal toxic waste dump site, covered up and concealed by the city of Atlanta. His new book, City of Atlanta's Concealment of the Baby Gun Club Landfill, shines the light on his story and demands accountability from the government in protecting matters of public health and safety.

________________________________________ Told with the knowledge and passion of one man who became a soldier in the fight for transparency and justice, this book is a call to arms for anyone who wants to ensure a future free of toxic areas in populated neighborhoods on this green Earth.– John J. Kelly, Detroit Free Press ________________________________________

Brow's eight-year continuing journey is a stark reminder to us all of what happens when our government puts monetary concern over public trust. In the Baby Gun Club Landfill case, the government's lack of protection for the public, and it's concealment of toxic landfill waste is indisputable, through uncovered aerial photographs from the 60's and 70's of the dumping, and internal records documented that waste was dumped on the land for years before strict environmental laws were in place. Estimates are that the area illegally contains more than three hundred thousand cubic yards of hazardous waste, 30-40 feet deep.

"A Fox 5 I-Team investigation discovered the existence of the Baby Gun Club Landfill, buried deep in internal city memos, letters, engineering reports and in two lawsuits that were quietly filed and then settled"—Senior Fox 5 News I-Team reporter Dale Russell "The fraud here is so immense, it's hard to even explain," says Brow. "The city of Atlanta kept repeating that they had never dumped before. Then in December, the city came back and acknowledged, that yes, in fact they were the ones who did the dumping. They were also claiming since 2006, that they were the owner of all the property, even though my wife and I still owned the property"

Scott Lorenz

Westwind Communications

Plymouth, MI



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Killing Democracy By Trump


The president continues to his own version of "The World of by and for Trump" as his 16,000 lies create the fiction of the "greatest president ever". His first lie was to swear to uphold the constitution, as he pretends to be a king, like the other authoritarian rulers who are his best buddies in Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the Philippines, and North Korea. He and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pursue every chance to stack the courts with right wing activist judges and reward the rich and powerful at the expense of other 99%. After spending trillions bailing out every imaginable group, Moscow Mitch now wants to bankrupt the states just to rob public employees of their pensions, often taken right out of employee paychecks earned over the decades of an underpaid public career in health care, policing, firefighting, and teaching.

Trump's World

The president promised we would be so tired of winning that we would beg him to stop. We are so tired of losing we wish he would quit and just take over for the dying Rush Limbaugh. He thinks of the government as his and his alone to abuse and corrupt as he directs the military to stay in Trump hotels and blockades Qatar until they give his son-in-law Jared a mortgage on the alligator 666 Fifth Avenue. He lifts legal restrictions on a key Russian oligarch that helped him steal the 2016 election and lifts restrictions on the Chinese so that they will invest in his Indonesia operations. Dozens of his staff campaign and cabinet appointees have gone to jail in perhaps the most corrupt administration ever. Loyalty is Trump's main value as competence goes by the wayside. Temporary appointments give Trump the loyalty and lawlessness he wants bypassing congressional confirmation.


The president is a great con artist as he perfects the art of kiss up and kick down, intimidating rivals, the press, and the congress with threats to oppose everyone who does not follow his foolish ways and praise him without question. He keeps the congress in line with his threat to support Trump supporters against all incumbents who waiver even slightly in their support of him, leaving Romney out of a Senate Republican phone call for daring to vote for impeachment. Bill Maher who gave Obama one million dollars for his re-election would gladly give one million to have Romney instead of Trump as president.


Trump was so determined to prioritize the economy over everything else that he put off for two crucial months action against the Coronavirus putting America in last place fighting the virus compared to other hot spot countries like China, Italy, and Spain. His refusal to let people off an infected cruise ship shows his fetish with keeping the numbers down on disease cases. He kept refusing to get testing started seriously for the same corrupt reason, trying to keep his case numbers down rather than fighting the disease by testing tracing and quarantining. Image over substance as he gaslights his way through every strategic mistake he makes, constantly trying to downplay the virus. He says the states should take the lead in the fight, then has FEMA confiscate shipments of personal protective equipment going to the states, especially if they are blue states which are constantly shortchanged while red states are oversupplied. He is constantly seeking to reward states that voted for him and punish states that voted against him regardless of the law and judicial fairness. He wants the states to bid against FEMA driving up prices so the private sector can make a killing at the expense of government, a clear case of corporate socialism. Then he invokes the Defense Production Act (he should have been using all along months ago) to absolve pork processing plants of any liability for forcing employees to almost certainly catch the disease, valuing corporate profits over human life. Thousands have died thanks to his corrupt inaction, and many health care workers have died due to his refusal to use the Defense Production Act to marshal enough personal protective gear and swabs for testing.

Militarism and Corruption

The conservative movement that has been coopted by militarism has continued to follow the unconditional surrender terms of World War II, resorting to an extremism that continues to trample traditional conservative values like local control, freedom, and small business. Increasingly becoming the party of big military and big business, they value power and control and unitary executive power over congressional power. Relying on voter suppression they have adopted Southern values over Northern values. In Wisconsin they forced voters to risk catching coronavirus to vote, hoping liberals would fear the disease more than Trump followers, giving the election to conservatives. Both the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court blocked local courts and the governor from postponing the election like most states did, valuing power over health. In the tradition of Bush v Gore, Citizens United, and Shelby County they have seized power, suppressed voting, and opened unlimited campaign spending by billionaires, valuing money over people. Once apposed to a so-called activist Warren Supreme Court, they have become an activist conservative court with very little thought to precedent and justice. Increasingly, one side has no hope of honest justice, just political hackmen. Mitch McConnell blocked everything he could from the black president and Trump has reversed every Obama decision regardless of merit. Abraham Lincoln would not recognize his political party today.


Vladimir Putin has gotten exactly the chaos he has long sought in American politics, as strong leaders have increasingly bypassed congressional committees and congressional oversight. In many ways Trump has not so much changed the Republican Party as revealed it for the racism, xenophobia, and authoritarianism of the regular Fox News viewer. Whether you call it militarism empire or fascism, it operates much the same. With the extreme inequality and lack of social mobility, America has finally become more of a class-based society than Europe. With 40% of Americans unable to afford an unexpected $400 bill, the fragility of American society will be increasingly on display in the coming months. Empire at the breaking point.

Nature of Military Empire Social Decay:

https://www.academia.edu/11421799/MILITARISM_CONTROL_Empire_Social_Decay_WWW_97_6p Please cite this work as follows: Reuschlein, Robert. (2020, April 30), "Killing Democracy by Trump" Madison, WI, Real Economy Institute. Retrieved from: https://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Killing-Democracy-By-Trump,2020230710.aspx

Dr. Peace, Professor Robert Reuschlein, Real Economy Institute, Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2016-2020 with accelerating interest from Norway. Intense interest in an unusually consistent pattern shows up on my website as following my work, hard looks per year went from 2 to 3 to 48 to 128 to 207 (projected).

Contact: bobreuschlein@gmail.com Info: www.realeconomy.com

Dr. Robert W. Reuschlein

Economics Professor

Real Economy Institute

Madison, WI


Killing Democracy By Trump bobreuschlein@gmail.com


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