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Reach past Social Media: Tracking Secrets for ExpertClick members:
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Friday, May 20, 2011

 Reach past Social Media: Tracking Secrets for ExpertClick members:

You already know ExpertClick's business is that we try to get out the way very quickly -- and drive visitors to your site. But then without tracking, you may have no clue we sent them to you.

Sure you can see the visitor count to your news releases when you log in – we see members who send more news releases renew and guess what, those who don't use the system are less likely to renew.

Therefore many of the reasons below will never be used by people who don't use the ExpertClick system, but are shared for those elite few who really want to get the most of our the ExpertClick system.

1) Add your e-mail opt-in code to your profile like this: http://newsreleasewire.com/34270 Then you can see the actual e-mails address of those who see your news releases and want more. Then reach out and with repeated contact you can sell. Plan your on boarding strategy with precision – what's "on boarding?" – A plan to bring customers and potential customer forward in your systems. Here's an example at http://www.expertclick.com/Newsreleasewire/36436

2) Use Bit.ly for all your out bound links from your news release and press room page to your site. This means you can track every jump. Register at Bit.ly, then enter the destination URL and they will give you a tracking URL. Use these as the outbound links everywhere and you'll see where your action is.

3) Get a toll-free number you only use at ExpertClick and your news releases so you can track the calls.

4) Include Google analytics in your news releases, profile and landing pages. So you can see the progression funnel. This is free: http://www.google.com/analytics/

5) Check you sites stats for inbound links from ExpertClick or NewsReleaseWire to you. You need to check your site stats for that. Your webmaster can so the stats you see, or just pickup site urchin, http://statcounter.com/

6) set unique e-mail address for our system to so you can track e-mail from us. Like: ExpertClick@YourDomainName.com Then you can flag and track all e-mails.

7) Include your Google AdSense code to your profile so you can show Google ads that generate revenue for you and lots of site traffic. Simply join the Google program then add your account number to your profile for this.

8) Add code to track the IP addresses of the visitors to your news releases or profile -- http://www.tracemyip.org/tools/website-visitors-counter-traffic-tracker-statistics/

9) Create a unique Twitter account to broadcast the RSS Feed of your news release. You never need to tweet, for the system will automatically tweet your news release. You should attract followers searching on your keywords. I've attracted 1,100 followers at http://twitter.com/#!/NewsReleaseWire -- But that the advanced class, I did that by harvesting the RSS feed from many other sites to create a fountain of content.

10) Have us set up a unique URL to your profile, to facilitate Google AdWords traffic. With PPC ads you can quickly find out what works and the topics that convert, when you have the opt-in form and simply analytics. Then knowing the keywords that get conversions with PPC, use that keyword in your Organic marketing and news releases. You can set up and run AdWords very easily.

11) Determine what you want in the way of Conversion Tracking: http://www.maximizemywebsite.com/categories/conversion-tracking-1.html

Then work for those results.

12) Create an http://www.Daybook.com calendar to show your next events -- this extra profile is another foot print on the web for you. Your calendar can then be sent as a news release. http://Newsreleasewire.com/36435

Yes, there are advanced services you can buy from us.


But the basic plan we've always had is to empower you, the participant to take charge to take action.

--Mitchell Davis

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Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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