Home > NewsRelease > REALITY CHECK 2023
Michael J. Herman  -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA
Monday, January 23, 2023


It’s the start of a brand new year. 2023 is here and 2023 is waiting for you to arrive.

2022 is gone. It was great. It was awesome. It was amazing.

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Or, it friggin sucked. I hated it. And, I never want to go back there again.

Or somewhere in between.

Nonetheless, wearing a brand new year. Everything, let me repeat everything is new. There is no issue about what happened. It happened. Move on.

Insisting on dragging 2022 into 2023 is a losing proposition and yet perhaps not most, but a great many people will do just that. They will carry things on there in the past as though they are happening now. Or, they will not allow things to end that are over. That too, is a losing proposition. Let me correct myself. Many will drag things forward from decades ago, refusing to leave the trash in the past. It even happens on a daily basis.

When the buzzer rings and a basketball game ends, the losing team does not keep playing the same game even though the opposing players have left the court. They would be playing by themselves. That’s not how games work. When the game ends, the winning team moves on to another round of the game. The losing team moves on to another round of the game. The game does not keep playing over and over and over and over and over again. But, sometimes you do.

If you brought incomplete business from last year’s calendar to this year’s calendar, you are still playing last year’s game. The calendar moved on to the next game.

Just imagine carrying a sack of sticking, smelly, slimy, trash from your home to everywhere you go? Everything you do, everyone you meet, and everything you experience has the smell and stench of that old, disgusting, rotting, horrible trash. Would you bring it along with you?

OF COURSE NOT! Yet, you do it every day of your life if you’re still smoldering over unsatisfied hurts and complaints of years or even decades past. Why don’t you just drop that pil of garbage and move on?

I’m sick and tired of hearing whining, crying, wailing, complaining, and regretting from powerful, talented, and capable players.

GET IN THE GAME! Get in your game. Everyone is waiting for you to play.

Minimizing or diminishing your loss or your hurt serves no purpose. I’m not discounting that something may be owed to you. What I’m saying is, GET IN THE GAME!

I know an incredibly powerful and creative person who lets his past run the show.

He’s plugged in and yet totally disconnected from his power. But all this person does is complain about their situation and bemoan their circumstances. They are so addicted to what happened that they can’t see ways of remedying their problems. They are so blind with “I’m right/they’re wrong” that they can’t get themselves in gear to move forward. They’re so stuck, they can’t get themselves unstuck. But why? Why can’t people get unstuck? I think I found      an answer.

It’s something to hold onto. It’s a hurt or a loss they refuse to complete, because without it they think the hurt or the loss will be greater.

Quit complaining! It is what it is. Now make it better or different.

The longer you wallow in self pity the worse it gets. This is because the longer you go without taking action the harder it becomes to take action. The more you agree to put up with misery the harder it gets to let go of misery. The more you abide by your addictions and weaknesses the harder it is to conquer them.

When I worked side-by-side with Dr. Wayne Dyer he explained that it’s not the result we’re addicted to, it’s the pattern that creates the result. If you can change or alter your patterns, you can change the outcomes in your life.

By changing the pattern of smoking to one of creating art, of baking, of sewing, or of exercise rather than the pattern of reaching for a cigarette, the result that pattern manifests is thereby transformed and so is your life. A simple pattern adjustment is all that’s needed to have a completely different kind of life than the one you are currently experiencing. The more facile you become at changing your patterns the more dynamic and interesting your life will become.

But for god sakes Man, stop your constant complaining and get on the court! 2023 is waiting for you to show up and play. It may be the 4th week of the year, but the New Year is still an infant, and can barely walk. Why don’t you teach it? Try taking it out for a spin?

You deserve it.

Michael J. Herman is known as Mr. Motivation® and is a Professional Writer and Coach able to help break through the patterns that dominate your life and dictate your results.

Reach Mike @ (818) 894-4610

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Michael J. Herman, Speaker-Writer-Author-Entrepreneur
(818) -894-4610  |  M: (818) 441-9288
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Name: Michael J. Herman
Title: President, CEO
Group: The Motivational Minute Publishing Company
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-894-4610
Main Phone: 818-894-4610
Cell Phone: 818-441-9288
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