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Political Expert William S. Bike Envisions Active Government Role for King Charles
William S. Bike -- Historical Commentator William S. Bike -- Historical Commentator
Chicago, IL
Saturday, September 10, 2022

King Charles talking about government with President Barack Obama. (White House photo)

Great Britain is in deep trouble, and political historian William S. Bike does not have high hopes for the government of Prime Minister Liz Truss to pull the kingdom out of it. But Bike, aurhor of the book Winning Political Campaigns, does offer a solution that the United Kingdom has not tried since the 1700s: Let King Charles III take a larger role in governing.

"The assumption has been that the king or queen is little more than a figurehead, but that is because British monarchs since the 1700s have acquiesced to that assumption—particularly Queen Elizabeth II, famously quoted in the television series The Crown as saying, 'to do nothing is often the best course of action,' Bike writes in his article "Time for King Charles to be the Man on Horseback?" published on Medium.com at https://billbike.medium.com/time-for-king-charles-to-be-the-man-on-horseback-9eb57c1de8e4

"The new king has several powers that he could use to gain more of a role in running the UK government," Bike adds.

In the article, Bike goes on to enumerate these powers, such as opening and dissolving Parliament, appointing the prime minister and other ministers, vetoing bills, issuing and withdrawing passports, and commanding the military.

"No British monarch has exercised governing powers effectively since the 1700s," Bike writes. "But that does not mean he does not have these powers. Over in the US, powers such as those exercised by the electoral college have not been used in centuries either, but now they are front and center. Why not in the UK as well? Even the threat of using these powers might be enough to reign in the Truss extremists and get them to enact more centrist and effective policies."

Containing "everything a candidate, campaign worker, or activist needs to know to conduct a political race," Winning Political Campaigns is written in an easy-to-read, easy-to-use alphabetical format. The book "provides essential tools, practical pointers, and valuable advice about running campaigns successfully," writes Fran Ulmer, former Lieutenant Governor of Alaska, in her foreword to the book. It is particularly useful for low-profile, grassroots, or local campaigns.

Winning Political Campaigns was written by William S. Bike, an award-winning journalist and public relations professional. Bike is senior vice president of ANB Communications, a Chicago-based writing and public relations firm that has consulted for several political campaigns and public policy organizations. Bike also is an international award-winning political editor of a community newspaper and activist in community grassroots politics.

Covering everything from advertising to building alliances, proper business practices, campaign literature, candidate behavior, media, voter contact, debating, fundraising, strategy, and more, Winning Political Campaigns is extremely thorough and detailed, yet easy to use. Real-life examples are drawn not only from the political world, but also from the worlds of sport, higher education, history, and more.

Particularly useful are appendices including a sample itinerary for a political event, an event planning checklist, media terms, a sample news release and direct mail piece, and more.

Winning Political Campaigns is available as a Kindle book for only $9.99 on Amazon at https://tinyurl.com/ykp23z4c


Buy William S. Bike's latest book, The Forgotten 1970 Chicago Cubs: Go and Glow, at www.arcadiapublishing.com/Products/97814671490827.

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Group: Central Park Communications
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