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PR Pros Pandemic Relief @NewsReleaseWire.com from ExpertClick.com
News Release Wire News Release Wire
Washington, DC
Monday, September 28, 2020

PR Pros Pandemic Relief @NewsReleaseWire.com from ExpertClick.com

PR Pros Pandemic Relief

@NewsReleaseWire.com from ExpertClick.com

Who?  For PR Professionals. Must be with a bona-fide PR firm or have APR credentials.  Freelancers with agency background good too. 

What?  Free use of NewsReleaseWire,com for one client.  PR Professionals get the Signature Level account as shown at www.ExpertClick.com/join.

When?  Now, and for duration of 2020.

Where?  Register at: http://www.ExpertClick.com/free.

Why?  First, to help PR Professionals help their clients. Second, as a sales promotion for ExpertClick.com because those we help just might stick with us after the pandemic eases. Third, as many PR frims have "Multi-Accounts," some with dozens for clients listed.

PR Professional use the ExpertClick.com press rooms three ways:

  1. Use press rooms to quickly get new clients up on line.
  2. Use press rooms for existing account's SEO and link building.
  3. Use press rooms when you pitch new clients – show results instantly.

Members with "Mutli-Accounts" get big discounts on client accounts, and flexibility to swap our accounts when clients come and go. 

Questions:  Call Mitchell P. Davis, Editor --- (202) 333-5000 rings on his desk.

About Us.

NewsReleaseWire.com is from ExpertClick® & the Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons®. The company name is Broadcast Interview Source Inc. (BIS).  Founded as the Talk Show Guest Directory in 1984 we've connected journalist with experts for almost four decades.  The New York Times called us: "Dial-an-Expert." PR Week called us "dating service of PR." 

BIS sponsors The International Platform Association®. (IPA) Founded in 1831, Platform® offers a speakers bureau for top experts.  Save the date: August 14, 2021 for the 190th IPA convention. 

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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