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Organize Office to Meet Demand When Crisis Over: Be Ready When Pent Up Activity Breaks-Out with Office Transformation Quickstart
Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance
Raleigh, NC
Friday, March 20, 2020

Organize Office to Meet Demand When Crisis Over: Be Ready When Pent Up Activity Breaks-Out with Office Transformation Quickstart

People are getting so anxious and overwrought with stagnation and lack of movement that, when the damn breaks forth, millions will blast out of the starting gates like tightly wound coiled springs. Nothing creates new life like seeing your current one falling apart and being questioned every second of every agonizing minute. Now is the time to dig in to your business files, proposals and plans with Office Transformation Quickstart, a terrific 90-day program now offered by Barbara Hemphill, author of the upcoming The Clutter Crisis: How Fear, Greed, and Overwhelm are Crippling America and founder of the Productive Environment Institute.

Think of the burst of new activity that will be unleashed when people can resume their normal lives with a sense of renewed vigor and purpose, all the hand-wringing a bad memory to be placed, literally, in the basement of our collective minds. Our business and social world could be altered by what is taking place, in what ways we don't know, and better one's position the easier it will be adjust to new circumstances.

Taking stock of your business situation the following six problems are probably all too evident: 1) You're making less money than you need to live a fulfilling life and support your family the way you really want to; 2) Wasting so much time looking for things every day when you could be taking on more paying work; 3) Missing out on great opportunities because business cards, important papers, and reminders slip through the cracks; 4) Sick of looking at a messy desk (or office) every morning that doesn't reflect the successful business you're building; 5) Tired of your to-do list screaming at you because you can never seem to get everything finished; 6) Unable to shut off from work because there's always one more thing you could be doing;

While PEI's flagship program, Office Transformation Quickstart, remains the best value with Lifetime access, it is realized that current circumstances may render a full commitment unappealing right now. As a result, PEI is now offering their Quarantine Quickstart for a fraction of the price. Members can access the FULL Office Transformation Quickstart program for 3 months—including 3 LIVE VIRTUAL Group Coaching events with Barbara Hemphill and our team of experts!

Take this unexpected downtime to declutter & get organized. Tools available have everything one needs to clear the clutter in your home office (or clear the clutter so you can CREATE a home office!) and put systems in place to stay productive.

"Let's come together during this downtime and accomplish something that will serve you long after this crisis is over!" says Barbara Hemphill.


Here are some of the beneficial aspects to consider: 

Working from underneath the clutter of your business will never build you the income, business, or life that you truly want. You started your business to take control of your future, not constantly feel like you're not doing enough.

You've seen your business miss out on killer opportunities because they got lost in the clutter.

Your schedule has been so full that there's simply no time to grow your business in addition to everything else.

You've tried every organization system under the sun, and you still can't keep your business streamlined.

You've spent hours cleaning your office, promising "this time, I'll keep it organized" but it always returns to a messy state.

You've purchased organization tubs, files, and baskets that worked for a day or two, but never produced long-term change.

You've hired a professional organizer in the past, but it just didn't last and now you feel guilty.

Professional Organizers & Productivity Consultants | Business Planning

About Barbara Hemphill:

Spanning a 40+ year career on the cutting edge of a growing industry, Barbara has appeared on the Today Show and Good Morning America, in Reader's Digest, USA Today, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, The New York Times, Real Simple, and Guideposts magazine. She is past president of the National Association of Professional Organizers, a winner of the Founder's Award, and a two-time winner of the President's Award.

Barbara's passion is that others will feel the love of Jesus through her whether she ever speaks His name. An adventurer as well as an innovator, Barbara has lived in the West Indies, India, New York City, and Washington, DC. While living in India in the 1970's, she adopted three children. In addition, her family includes two stepchildren, four grandchildren, and her beloved one-of-a-kind husband Alfred Taylor, with whom she shares their own Productive Environment™ in Raleigh, NC.

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Name: Barbara Hemphill
Dateline: Raleigh, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-349-9247
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