Sunday, July 5, 2020
News Releases – Police – Covid-19 -- Racial Inequality
1) Former Police Detective Predicted Current Hatred of Police
Akron, Ohio, June 30, 2020…A former police detective and recognized authority on police training practices has been saying for years that there are some police officers abusing use of force procedures and that he is not surprised at the current state of anger and hate towards law enforcement. Timothy Dimoff, CPP, believes that the abuse of an officer's authority by profiling, aggressive behaviors, arbitrary stops and illegal searches has been undermining our system of public safety for years. He also thinks that the numerous cases of police officers hired with a history of infractions on their previous jobs warrants the essential need for a national registry.
Timothy A. Dimoff, an experienced and highly decorated former police detective, police trainer, and a nationally recognized security expert has testified in numerous court cases for and against police on police use of force and the overreach of law enforcement procedure guidelines.
He is available for interviews on: • Rules of engagement
• The realities of police defunding
• Use-of-Force Continuum
• Training police forces and changes that should be made • De-escalation techniques and guidelines
Dimoff has over forty years of police and security experience, twenty as a highly decorated police detective and twenty in the private sector as Founder and President of SACS Consulting and Investigation Services, Inc. (, a high-risk security consulting firm.
He is an experienced media commentator.
-30- Contact: Carol Saferin
2) Is the root of racial inequality nature or nurture, or both? New anti-racist book says both!
Prometheus Books is proud to announce the Spring 2020 release of Science in Black and White: How Biology and Environment Shape Our Racial Divide (376 pages • 978-1633886001 • $26 • Cloth) by Alondra Oubré. Racial groups differ in some of their social patterns, but the cause of those differences—nature versus nurture, or genetics versus environment—remains fiercely debated. For the pro-nature camp—sometimes aligned with white nationalism and eugenics, and often used to promote ideas of racial inferiority and superiority—race-based biological determinism contributes significantly to the ethnic divide, especially the black/white gap in societal achievement. By contrast, pro-nurture supporters attribute ethnic variation in social outcomes mainly to environmental circumstances, ecological conditions, and personal experience. In this broadly researched book, science writer Alondra Oubré examines emerging scientific discoveries that show how both biology and environment interact to influence IQ—intelligence performance—and social behaviors across continental populations, or human races.
Oubré presents compelling evidence for why environmental and certain non-DNA-related biological phenomena overall seem to best explain black/white disparities in a gamut of social behaviors, including family structure, parenting, educational attainment, and rates of violent crime. As she demonstrates, nature still matters, but the biology that impacts racial variance in social behaviors extends beyond genetics to include other processes—epigenetics, gene expression, and plasticity—all of which are profoundly affected by a wide array of environmental forces. The complex, synergistic interplay of these factors combined, rather than just genes or just environment, appears to account for black/white divergence in a gamut of social behaviors.
Alondra Oubré is a graduate of the Joint Doctoral Program in Medical Anthropology at the University of California (UC) at Berkeley and the University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine, and holds a PhD in anthropology and medical anthropology, as well as an MA in anthropology from UC Berkeley. She graduated from the Athenian School in Danville, California, and received a B.A. from University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. For the last twenty-five years, she has worked primarily as a medical writer and regulatory affairs specialist in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. Dr. Oubré's published works include essays and evidence-based reports on the nature-versus-nurture controversy over the ethnic achievement gap, medicinal plant research for pharmaceutical drug development, and various scientific topics for magazines and journals, such as Skeptic Magazine, Psychiatric Times, and Scientia Salon. She has lectured on race-related topics at events hosted by organizations such as the American Anthropological Association, California Institute of Technology in conjunction with the Skeptic Society, University of California, University of Maryland at College Park, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, and various universities in the United States, Africa, and Asia. She is the author of two books, Race, Genes, and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic Differences (two volumes) and Instinct and Revelation: Reflections on the Origins of Numinous Perception.
Name: Alan Jordan
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-325-2028
3) Expert Richard Tyler About Covid-19 Business Response
Houston, Texas – June 2020 – World renowned business consultant and entrepreneur Richard Tyler appeared on CW39 KIAH TV for an interview segment with Anchor Sharron Melton. Tyler, who is a Best-Selling Author and Award-Winning Filmmaker, offered a tremendous amount of powerful advice to entrepreneurs on how to guide their small-to-medium-sized business through and financially survive the Covid-19 pandemic. Tyler's practical advice, in fact, is relevant to businesses of any size.
Known as "The World's Top Sales Expert," Tyler is the CEO of Richard Tyler International Inc., Excellence Edge Films, Richard Tyler Films and a host of other companies. He has advised businesses, written books and made films on how people can achieve their goals and transform personal and professional dreams into reality for more than 30 years.
"One of the most important things business people have to do is make sure that fear doesn't stop them," Tyler cautioned. "Fear is the great debilitator, but it doesn't have to be. Fear can be a positive catalyst for action."
Tyler's counterpoint to pandemic inertia is to take calculated risks, plan, strategize "and not allow the fear to hamper us where we do nothing," he observed. "Take action."
To view:
Richard Tyler
4) The Mayor of Seattle Has a Rude Awakening About CHOP By Dr. Michael Brown
Guest Dr. Michael Brown is in Eastern Time and available for interviews via Skype or Zoom video or by phone
Do you remember when Seattle Major Jenny Durkan told CNN's Chris Cuomo that the takeover of a portion of her city could turn into a "summer of love"? That it was "more like a block party atmosphere"? Well, today, in the aftermath of another fatal shooting, coupled with protesters marching into Durkan's own community, she has said enough is enough. Mayor Durkan has called in the cops. Time to clear out CHAZ/CHOP!
Of course, all this was inevitable the moment the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" was first set up.
There's a reason that every society has laws and law enforcement. People do not adequately police themselves. Lawbreakers break laws. That's also why we have courts and prisons.
The fact that the courts and the prisons need fixing does not mean they are not needed. In the same way, the fact that policing needs reform does not mean police are not needed.
In short, the whole CHAZ/CHOP thing was one big joke. To call it a failed social experiment would be like calling a diet based on milk shakes, Oreos, cheeseburgers, and fries a failed weight loss experiment.
CHAZ/CHOP was dead in the water before it ever started.
In this light, it's incredible to see just how naïve Mayor Durkan's comments were to Chris Cuomo barely three weeks ago.
She responded to one of his questions with this extraordinary answer, beginning with a criticism of President Trump's assessment of the situation:
"So, I know it will shock you that the President is perhaps not giving an accurate or truthful picture."
To paraphrase: Yes, this is just another of Trump's lies. I'm here on the ground. I can tell you the truth about this beautiful new autonomous zone.
Name: Jerry McGlothlin
Dateline: Charlotte, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-437-0001
5) COVID-19 panic porn –
Michael D. Shaw -- Expert in Health Care and Environmental Affairs
This HND piece takes a look at the frankly outrageous and biased coverage of the latest outbreak of COVID. During the past few weeks, many young people gathered in close proximity at protest demonstrations and bars. And, during the same period, testing for the virus increased greatly. So, surprise, surprise, there are plenty of positives being detected.
At the same time, deaths are dropping like mad, and while hospitalizations are up in many areas, this includes people who have been delaying procedures, and many others who are positive for COVID, even if that is not their major complaint. Still, extra dollars are in play for calling everything "COVID." And, yes, there are also some severe legit cases of COVID in the ICU.
However for the most part, the people testing positive now are either asymptomatic, or have very mild cases of the disease. Be assured that the ensuing media circus reflects the most obscene injection of politics into public health in history.
Read the complete article.
Name: Michael D. Shaw
Title: Executive VP/Director of Marketing
Group: Interscan Corporation
Dateline: Reston, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-796-6063
Main Phone: 1 800 458-6153
6) Disinformation From Russian Troll Farms to Sway 2020 Election
Disinformation i.e. Dezinformatsiya
Disinformation, fundamentally, is lying. Disinformation used to be spread by the spoken word only. But with the invention of the printed word and the press, disinformation was spread using pamphlets, leaflets, books, magazines, political cartoons, and in planted clandestine newspaper articles. Agents of influence, political spies, and journalists can all be used to spread disinformation. Digitally, social media spreads disinformation like the proverbial wildfire.
The birth of the word "disinformation" comes from the Russian word (dez-inform-ahhT-see-ahh) dezinformatsiya. Joseph Stalin coined the term in 1923 derived from the title of the KGB black propaganda "special disinformation office" department. Disinformation was formally defined in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia in 1952 as "false information with the intention to deceive public opinion".
Disinformation is meant to instill fear and confuse its intended target by blurring the lines between fact and fiction. Disinformation's primary purpose is to spread conspiracy theories that isolate readers and viewers from alternative viewpoints to create a cloud of confusion and paranoia.
In 2016, the operation was fairly simply. Most of the trolls were coming from a big office in St. Petersburg, Russia, but now…they are getting help from scammers in Nigeria and Ghana.
These trolls have almost totally focused on racial issues in the US, and they promote things like the empowerment of African Americans and pushing anger on white Americans. The goal is to divide the American public and promote unrest in society. Which unfortunately isn't all that difficult.
There have been hundreds of accounts created by trolls in Ghana, and it is very possible that the content on these accounts has reached millions. But Twitter and Facebook have been looking into suspicious accounts, and they are removing accounts that are not legitimate. Facebook has said that almost 300,000 people were following these accounts on Facebook and Instagram, and about 65% of these people are in the US. Twitter has removed accounts, too, and notes that so far, these accounts had almost 70,000 followers. Most of these accounts are posting in English and alluding that they are in the US, specifically in Florida, New Orleans, and Brooklyn.
These posts are focusing on things like police brutality, the Black Lives Matter groups, shootings, and general racism.
What is interesting is that the US is not the only place these trolls are targeting. Lately, Russia has begun to show more interest in some other African countries, as it is believed that they want to exploit the resources that are present in Africa, including things like diamonds and gold. This has occurred in places like Sudan, Libya, and Mozambique. Politics are also on the table.
Divide and Conquer via Disinformation
The desired outcome of disinformation by its author is to divide and conquer or rule the persons who are manipulated by it. The Oxford definition of "divide and conquer" is the policy of "maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them". In other words, from the perspective and motivation of the conman, "don't trust them, trust me."
Who is behind this? It is thought that all of these campaigns have some type of association with a Russian financier and close friend to Vladimir Putin.
This interest in Africa and the US is troubling, as it is showing how much control these people have on the public viewpoints of these countries. In other words, these groups are working hard to manipulate and divide us.
These groups are also not going away anytime soon. As soon as one of these accounts are discovered, a new one is quickly added.
ROBERT SICILIANO CSP, is a #1 Best Selling Amazon author, CEO of, the architect of the CSI Protection certification; a Cyber Social and Identity and Personal Protection security awareness training program.
Name: Robert Siciliano
Title: Personal Security and Identity Theft Expert
Group: Identity Theft Expert and Speaker
Dateline: Boston, MA United States
Direct Phone: (617)329-1182
Click to to open and read all releases or click on release of interest.\
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