Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Part One:
Using this information, please write a short
news story.
* The FBI yesterday released its annual Uniform Crime Reports for 1994.
* 851 murders were committed in Chicago in 1994, compared to 939 in 1993.
* Nationwide, murders increased in 1994 by 3 percent over 1993.
* For other violent crimes committed in the United States during 1994,
forcible rape fell 4 percent; robbery dropped 2 percent; and, aggravated
assault showed no change.
* The statistics are released annually in May.
* Serious crime is measured by an Index composed of violent and property crimes. Violent crime dropped 1 percent last year; property crime decreased 3 percent.
* Uniform Crime Reports measure only crimes reported to the police; they do not count unreported crimes.
* Serious crimes reported to the nation's law enforcement agencies
decreased 3 percent in 1994 compared to 1993.
* This was the second year in a row for a decrease; in 1993, overall crime was also down 3 percent.
Listed below are seven words. Some words are spelled correctly; some are
not. If you think a word is spelled incorrectly, please write the correct
spelling on the adjacent line. If you think the word is spelled correctly,
leave the adjacent line blank.
1. accomodate
2. statutory
3. noticeable
4. ocassionally
5. telecomunications
6. infomation
7. occurrence
-- Part Three:
Printed below is a passage for you to edit. You should make sure the
passage is grammatically correct, internally consistent and readable, among
other things. Please use standard proofreading symbols to indicate any changes.
Kudos to
Illinois Criminal Justice
Information Authority
December 1995
For this test -- See the source page at: