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New ExpertClick SEO benefit, Speaker leads, and Speaker showcase opportunity
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Friday, May 14, 2021


Emial sent to members on May 19, 2021

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Reply "Pease send welcome amail again" and 'll get you full personalized info with your ExpertClick links and user id and password. See sample in the  P.P.S.

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1) SEO ---We've got a new method to  help you dominate Google. The new handle system lets you set SEO terms as part the URL for your pressroom. Log in and see the handle option in the left toolbar – a website address URL can also be set. With this system Adam Armbruster is now #1 in Google organic search on: "Television Advertising Expert"

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2) Speaker Leads ---We now share news of events seeking speakers. You can follow at: www.Twitter.com/SpeakerLeads. I also track the leads and send personal email to members when an event is a match for them.

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3) Showcase Opportunity -- The 190th annual International Platform Association will be held on August 14th. There will be three tracks:

A) Celebration of the 77th anniversary of FDR signing the Social Security Act.

B) The future of money,

C) Speaker showcase.

See the event at: www.Platform2021.org You can apply to speak in the showcase free – and I'll load a YouTube or link to your book at this site. As the event is virtual, every ExpertClick member may be included in the speaker showcase. To be included please reply with:

10 Word Headline

75 word summary of your presentation.

Photo to include.

Link to one YourTube video

Amazon link to your book if you have one

There is no charge for members.

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4) How member get success with ExpertClick:

They send news releases – just seven keystrokes at www.NewsClick.com

They connect their blogs  – If we don't pick it already, please reply with link to your blog

They update their topics regularly for then you are found more often, connect and benefits from other members news, and I know what you offer so I can better send journalist questions and speaking opportunities to you.

I always welcome your phone calls for help or to strategize.

202) 333-5000 rings on my desk or email me at ExpertClick@Gmail.com


Mitchell P. Davis, Editor & Publisher

Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.

2500 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.

Washington, DC 20007-4132

202) 333-5000


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P.S. See and download the 2021 Yearbook of Experts free as a PDF at https://www.ExpertBook.com

Sponser a copy of the 2021 Yearbook postal mailed to jounalists of your choice.  We'll include a printed copy of your news release or a copy of your book.  Cost is $25 per Yearbook mailed. ( or five for $100) ...and you'll get full contact info so you can follow up.

P.P.S. Here's how the welcome message looks. – reply send "new welcome email" and send one for you with links to your content and user id and password.

-The e-mail has four parts.

1) How you will appear.

2) Where you l in and how.

3) Handbooks and videos

4) Next success steps.

1) How you will appear:

For the web press room at: https://www.expertclick.com/19-1238

2) Where you log in and how

Log in at www.ExpertClick.com to edit your profile or use the full service news sending system.

Log in at www.NewsClick.com for the quick-send news release entry page -- just seven keystrokes.

3) Handbooks and videos

See the member handbook at www.MemberHandbook.com

See success videos and handout at www.WebHandbook.com

The #1 video is how to send a video news release.-- I'm hoping everytime you make a YouTube video you add at least 300 words of text and do a video news release.

The #2 video is a guided tour of the admin area.

- 4) Next success steps.

If you have a blog we can pick it up and syndicate it. -- Do advise.

Sending news releases is the #1 way members succeed - You can see a view report in the admin area and many members review their page view to see what works and send more on those. Many members had hundreds of thousands of page views.

------------------------------------- End --------------------------------------

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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