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Multi-Published Author Uses AI to Create PR Copy, Illustrations for Picture Books, a Course on Creativity, and a Book
Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books
Lafayette, CA
Friday, October 14, 2022

Working with AI to Create Text, Illustrations, Videos, and Courses

        After experimenting with various AI – artificial intelligence – platforms, the author of 200+ books and 18 features and documentary films, Gini Graham Scott, PhD, experimented with several AI platforms. She used them to write an article and press copy, narrate videos, provide illustrations for four children's picture books, and create the copy, voice-over, and video for a course which she turned into a book. The programs used included WriterArc, MidJourney, CourseReel, and Speechelo. The results are featured in an 8 minute video at  https://youtu.be/9v_o9DB9n2w

            Today, such AI programs are used by millions of artists and writers, as well as by millions of companies who use AI instead of hiring artists and writers to do the work for them.  In doing so, they can often get the finished product much more quickly and much less expensively than if they hired a real human to do the work. That's because they only need to put in a few key words, a short sentence with key words, and sometimes a single word. Then, a program can generate some copy or illustrations on that topic, and with a few more steps in minutes, an AI program can create a narration, video, or course with that text, images, and video clips. In fact, some art pieces created from AI have even been turned into high-priced NFTs, musical pieces, and virtual musicians.

            Since creating about a dozen AI generated works herself, Scott has raised a series of questions about how AI affects professional writers and artists today. Can writers and artists use this new AI technology to create different kinds of works themselves? Or will AI replace many writers and artists, and if so, what will happen to those who are replaced? And if this turns into a crisis for out-of-work writers and artists, what can we as a society do? Scott is seeking to start a national dialog on this topic.

            The ability of AI to create high-quality writing and art that looks like what real humans can do is illustrated in the following examples of AI created writing and art which Scott created.

              For example, in article about the success of AI using AI to write it, the AI program from WriterArc wrote the following excerpts:

               "AI success is dependent on a number of factors. One factor is the quality of the AI. If the AI is not up to par, it will not be able to replace humans. Another factor is how many jobs will be lost due to AI replacing humans in certain fields.

      "The success of AI depends on the quality, correctness and whether it can replace human labor in certain fields. If it cannot do so, then we cannot consider it successful…

 The success of AI has been a contentious topic since the term was coined in 1955; many people think that it will replace human jobs while others believe that it will create new ones. Some people even think that AI will surpass humans in every aspect possible and take over the world completely."

        To illustrate using AI to create illustrations, here are three covers of Scott's recently published books with AI illustrations using Midjourney – I Wish I Could Be: A Dog's Tale, Whoosh!, and What's Beyond the Beach?  And most recently Scott published a fourth AI-illustrated book: Zoo Do.

       For her course on creativity, Scott generated the copy for 18 modules, and then created a video for each one with images, text, and voice over. Here's an example of some text for one of the modules on "The Benefits of Out-of-the-Box Thinking," created by using CourseReel.

       In a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive world, organizations are under pressure to be more innovative and agile. To meet these challenges, organizations are looking for employees who can think outside the box.

       Thinking outside the box is a term used to describe thinking that breaks away from the conventional and traditional ways of thinking. It is about thinking creatively and looking at problems and challenges from a different perspective. Organizations need employees who can think outside the box because they are more likely to come up with new and innovative solutions to problems. They are also more likely to be able to see opportunities that others may not see. Employees who can think outside the box are a valuable asset to any organization. They can help to create a competitive advantage and make the organization more successful.

       Then for her AI created book, How You Can Be More Creative, now on Amazon, Scott put together about 250 images from the course photos and video clips with the course content.

          So what do you think? Does AI give writers and artists another creative tool?  Or will it replace many writers and artists and put them out of work? What do you think?  You can join a national dialog on the subject on a Facebook group Scott has created.  Plus, Scott will be creating some press releases using AI for her clients and her own PR, which their publicist, Jana Collins of Jones & O'Malley, can use. So to answer the big question, "How will AI affect writers and artists?" media contacts won't know whether what's written is by a real person or an AI bot.  Which will be more effective?  Will a release from a real person or a bot be more effective? Only time will tell, and maybe the study will be conducted by a bot, too. Or not!

     For more information, and to set up interviews:

Jana Collins

Jones & O'Malley


(818) 761-2578



Karen Andrews

Executive Assistant

Changemakers Publishing and Writing


San Ramon, CA

(925) 804-6333


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: Director
Group: Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Dateline: San Ramon, CA United States
Direct Phone: (925) 804-6333
Cell Phone: 510-919-4030
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