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Mike Siegel Show Featured on Expert Click Radio, Guests David Bozell, Dr. Merrill Mathews & Novelist Andrew Gross Start Process
Expert Click Radio -- Radio Interview Service Expert Click Radio -- Radio Interview Service
Georgetown, DC
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Mike Siegel, Radio Talk Show Host

Expert Click Radio, a content producing PR program co-produced by E.B. GO Vision Media, has started featuring shows from acclaimed and respected radio talk show host Mike Siegel, known for engaging, informative and in-depth interviews. Designed as an additional online platform of exposure, Expert Click Radio's Sound Cloud Channel contains a wide-range of hosts and guests; from travel to health; from politics to history; from success to the environment and more. The first batch of Expert Click Radio Shows from Mike Siegel involves guests David Bozell, President of ForAmerica, Dr. Merrill Mathews, Resident Scholar of The Institute for Policy Innovation, and novelist Andrew Gross, author of just released mystery thriller, Button Man: A Novel.

Each show was edited for cleaning, posted on the ECR Sound Cloud Channel and then fed through multiple social media platforms for additional exposure. Each of the first three interviews average 30-minutes in length and offer a wealth of interesting topics of discussion; for example, Andrew Gross' novel is a mystery thriller centered around three Jewish brothers in the Lower East Side of New York City from 1905 to 1935 with true life characters such as famed mobsters Dutch Schultz and Louis Lepke or well-known politicians like Thomas E. Dewey making appearances.  

In contrast., David Bozell's interview focused on recent and historical trends in U.S. and world politics. Bozell's knowledge and experiences gels nicely with Mike Siegel's keen interest in world events and his experience doing radio interviews on a vast array of hard-hitting topics. Dr. Merrill Mathews. a health policy expert and contributor at Forbes.com who serves on the Texas Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, brings a life full of contact with well-known political and business leaders to a discussion with Siegel about news stories, political events, upcoming elections, the federal judiciary and more.

Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. of Washington D.C., publishes the Expert Referral website: www.ExpertClick.com — the site helps journalists, meeting planners and lawyers, respectively find Interview subjects, speakers for events, and expert witnesses. To be interviewed contact Expert Click at Mitchell.Davis@ExpertClick.com or 202-333-5000.

Here are the first three shows from Mike Siegel on Expert Click Radio:

Andrew Gross, Author of the Mystery Thrilller, Button Man: Novel

David Bozell, President of ForAmerica on Mike Siegel Show Talking Politics, Elections & News

Dr. Merrill Mathew on The Mike Siegel Show Talking Govt. Policy & Politics, Elections, Judges & News

Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. of Washington D.C., publishes the Expert Referral website: www.ExpertClick.com — the site helps journalists, meeting planners and lawyers, respectively find Interview subjects, speakers for events, and expert witnesses.

To be interviewed please contact us at Mitchell.Davis@ExpertClick.com or 202-333-5000.

For more information contact E.B. GO Vision Media at ebgovm@pm.me.

About Mike Siegel:   

Mike Siegel's conservative-libertarian views dominate his approach to the issues. Whether it is potential constitutional violations or leadership by the President, Mike Siegel uses his penetrating analysis to get the real issues to his audience. His ratings and revenue success over the years demonstrates the compelling and energetic component of his programs. He has motivated his audience to action when he led a national campaign to stop a 51% pay raise in Congress; a campaign to hold Exxon accountable for the Valdez oil spill that led to Congress passing a law requiring double hull oil tankers by the year 2010 and many other issues in which his audiences have had an activist role.

As a former practicing attorney, Mike brings his legal analysis to public issues as well, giving his audience the kind of coverage the audience seeks. Mike Siegel will tell you what he thinks without hesitation. He will support those views with solid analysis. As a pragmatist who finds solutions to problems, audiences have gravitated to his programs over the years.

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Name: Mitchell Davis
Group: Expert Click Radio
Dateline: Washington, D.C., DC United States
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