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Magnetic Attraction - People Skills
Gloria Starr -- Executive Presence, Etiquette, Manners, Image Gloria Starr -- Executive Presence, Etiquette, Manners, Image
Charlotte, NC
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

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Confidence, Charisma and the Power of Attraction

The first filter on a subconscious level most women use when evaluating a potential date or partner is his level of success. That translates to money, education, ambition, work ethic, prestige and status. Women look at the quality of his suit, shirt and tie. The car is also important, not just the make of the car but also how clean the car is.

Men on the other hand make their assessment of a woman based on her sexual appeal, physical attributes and her ability to bear healthy children. Men are not necessarily attracted to women with money or resources, unless they are a gigolo or a "walker" as they are called in Palm Beach, Florida.

Your personal charisma and charm increase your irresistible factor, so add some sizzle to your life. Colors such as purple, red, royal blue and raspberry are colors of attraction. Brown, gray, mustard and moss green are colors with minimal visual appeal. Women, for a soft feminine appeal select pink, mauve, peach and pastel yellow. Men can add to their visual appeal by wearing mid to dark blue in fabrics that drape well.

Select fabrics that have a "soft hand" to them such as cashmere, soft wool, fur and velvet. Stiff fabrics and garments that have strong, straight lines say "it is all business."

Actions speak louder than words and your gestures will either attract or repel someone. Gestures should be smooth, fluid and open handed.

Learn to remove your jacket / coat gracefully. With both hands flip the lapels and front portion of the coat off your shoulders. The flipped portion of your coat will now be lowered on to your back. Then extend both arms out in back of you and the coat slides lower on your back. Now with a slight wiggle movement the coat will slide down to your wrists. Then with your left hand, flick your wrist and take your hand out of the right side of your coat. With the right hand do the same with your left wrist. Do not drag or let your coat touch the floor. Wisk your coat up just before it touches the floor. Ah, such a graceful way of removing a coat.

Learn the subtle art of flirting. Flirting should be so subtle that only the two people involved are aware of the sizzling energy. Learn to accept a compliment. The best response when receiving a compliment is to say "thank you, thank you very much." Give at least five compliments a day. A compliment is a gift and a treasure to both the giver and the receiver.

Walking can also add or detract from your visual appeal. For a woman, I recommend that you perfect the model walk of hips slightly forward and moving your legs and feet gracefully rather than the straight forward marching version we so frequently see. Men, learn to walk with your feet straight in front of you rather than the "duck walk" with your toes pointing out.

Remember the Communication Rule of Twelve: The first twelve steps you take in to a room, the first twelve words you speak and the first twelve inches of your body. People notice how you enter a room. They should be captivated by the first words you speak, your facial expressions and your posture. So, strike a profile for profit. Look, act and speak the part of a successful person. You are the message.

So, if your middle name is not AVERAGE, claim your brilliance. Act, speak, think and become the winner you were destined to be. Get up, dress up and show up.


MP3 (audio) Recordings by Gloria Starr available at


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The New Dress for Success Guidelines

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Your Competitive Edge in this Challenging Business Environment

Your Personal and Professional WOW Factor

Educational MP3s and Etiquette DVDs can be purchased at http://www.gloriastarr.com/books-dvds/dvds




Gloria Starr - Global Leader Image, Etiquette, Communications
Video Credentials http://youtu.be/iRwQBDX3oZ4
Business Management Consultant
Ranked in the Top 5% of Consultants by the United States of America
Author of 12 books, DVDs and MP3s
Master NLP Practitioner, Certified DiSC Personality and Behavioural Expert
Private Counsel to Royalty in the Middle and Far East
Advisor to Presidents of Companies and Countries, Foreign Dignitaries and Diplomats
Recipient of the Communication Guru Award of Excellence
Rated Excellent by the Society for the Advancement of Consulting
Building Bridges Between People, Customs, Cultures and Countries
Empowering People since 1983

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Name: Gloria Starr
Title: Global Executive Presence, Etiquette, Manners, Communication Coach
Dateline: Naples, FL United States
Direct Phone: 949-209-8802
Cell Phone: 561-310-3414
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