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Legendary Horror Author Stephen King Among the First Inductees in the Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame
Author U -- Judith Briles Author U -- Judith Briles
Denver, CO
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Legendary Horror Author Stephen King Among the First Inductees in the Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame

Denver, CO October 15, 2020 – The Colorado Authors' Hall of Fame made its first induction in September of last year and was the first Hall of Fame in the nation to honor the breadth of work authors put forth. Among the first and the most towering of Inductees in that ceremony was renowned horror author Stephen King, whose 1977 novel The Shining featured a haunted hotel based off the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park. Other contributions to Colorado Stephen King made were setting his post-apocalyptic epic The Stand in Boulder, and his 1987 chiller Misery in the fictional small town of Sidewinder.

King was not able to attend the event, but he was represented by his friend, fellow author, and fellow Inductee, Jerry Jenkins. He delivered a message from King that was of warm gratitude, humility, and of good humor. Other authors that were inducted included the late great adventure giant Clive Cussler, award-winning sci-fi author Connie Willis, and national icon Madeleine Albright.

Information about the induction, donations, events, board members and future inductees can all be found at www.ColoradoAuthorsHallofFame.org

The event was considered a resounding success by those who attended, with everyone dining on fine food, chatting among themselves, and emotionally charged speeches were made by of Marilyn Van Derbur and to the delight of attendees, mystery writer John Dunning shared his journey, and historical romance author Kris Tualla wowed the crowd. Everyone who attended also went home with a wide array of goodies, from books written by the inductees, to posters that were made exclusively for the event by photographer and Inductee John Fielder.

2019 Inductee Jerry Jenkins advises authors with his tips for writing success, "Starting your writing career with a book is like going to graduate school when you should be in kindergarten. Start small and short, get a quarter million clichés out of your system, learn the business, learn the craft, learn to work with an editor, learn to write."

The next Induction of the Hall of Fame will be held on September 11, 2021. Other Inductions are planned for authors in Texas and Arizona. Nominations for authors to be inducted are now open to the public on the Hall's website, www.ColoradoAuthorsHallofFame.org.

The public is invited to visit the website, read the criteria for nominations, and nominate authors who they believe would be ideal to include in the 2021 celebration.

The Hall strives to educate the people of Colorado and the country about the stories of the authors who shaped their works using their personal presence and the environment of our State with courage, leadership, intelligence, compassion, and creativity. Inductees are authors who've made a major impact on others with their words. To make sure their legacies never die.

Information about the induction, donations, events, board members and future inductees can all be found at www.ColoradoAuthorsHallofFame.org

Press inquiries: Judith Briles, Judith@Briles.com or 303-885-2207.



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Name: Judith Briles
Title: Chief Visionary Officer - CEO
Dateline: Aurora, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-885-2207
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