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It’s Still Happy New Year
Michael J. Herman  -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA
Wednesday, January 18, 2023


It’s Still Happy New Year

by Michael J Herma

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n ©2023 Michael J Herman

Can it be that we have become so jaded that Happy New Year greetings expire after one week?

Are we so myopic that we’re now only present to the moment at hand?

Happy New Year!

I say it with gusto and with zeal. I say it with pride and joy. I say it with enthusiasm and excitement.

For me, 2023 started with an explosion of energy. It was palpable in the run-up to the New Year. With the renormalization following a more than two-year Coved 19 disaster, people everywhere were ready for something new. Something exciting. Something possible.

New Year’s Eve 2023 was enthusiastic and momentous. A year of tremendous accomplishments and personal bests set the stage for a profound change of tides to roll in the ships I’d been waiting for many years. I was really looking forward to the advent of this year. Not because I was saying goodbye to the old one, but because I am welcoming a new one.

I have big plans for this year. This is not a Pollyanna platitude. It’s a cold hard intention.

However, this being only the third week of 2023 I’m already getting weird looks and almost pushback when I send over a boisterous Happy New Year. Some looks suggest mania that we’re already done with that. Let’s move on as though it’s not new any longer. But isn’t something momentous worth celebrating? Isn’t the best way to keep a balloon inflated by continually providing it with hot air to lift it higher into the sky? How can the sails of this great and powerful ship stay furled if we do not put wind into them?

It’s still Happy New Year, damn it! All the ho-hum and humbug “Let’s move on” have got to get on the bandwagon of celebrating happy occasions. After all, there are so many unhappy ones to distract us.

A birthday is only one day each year and for most people a birthday is celebrated on that day, but who says that has to be the case? Let’s rejoice in the arrival of this amazing gift for as long as the hoopla will last? There’s no downside to celebrating the excitement of 2023 into several months down the road.

And I predict that if we can do this; if we can treat each new day and each new week as though they are storks bringing brand new babies each time that a transformation in consciousness can be achieved.

It’s not hard. It’s just a choice. Do you choose to celebrate, o to equivocate?

I’m still celebrating, because for me It’s still Happy New Year!

Michael J. Herman is crazy about celebrating and as a motivational speaker and coach will find any excuse to keeps a good thing going. See more of and connect with Mike on LinkedIn.com, www.linkedin.com/in/michael-j-herman-mr-motivation®-7a8b67


#New Year’s Eve #Happy New Year #Celebrations #2023

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Title: President, CEO
Group: The Motivational Minute Publishing Company
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA United States
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