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Igniting Entrepreneurship Creates New Jobs
Fred DiUlus, PhD Fred DiUlus, PhD
Tallahassee, FL
Monday, April 24, 2017



Igniting Entrepreneurship Creates New Jobs

According to Dr. Fred DiUlus, author of the Way of the Entrepreneur, the number of emerging entrepreneurs in the USA has steadily declined. With it, he explains, America has witnessed the loss of thousands upon thousands of jobs.

Based on America's population, entrepreneurial formation and development is at its lowest level since the Great Depression of the '30s. The effects have resulted, Dr. DiUlus suggests, in a stagnant economy for the past several years pushed on us by politicians who excused it as a new normal. The new normal he points out has evidently been accepted by 90 million Americans who are no longer looking for work.

With the election of a decidedly entrepreneurial president, Dr. DiUlus has observed that when America encourages entrepreneurship by offering the stimulus of tax and regulatory reform, the action finds following close behind new jobs and American prosperity. To contribute to foster this new prosperity and achieve putting Americans back to work, DiUlus created a fast-track School of Entrepreneurship to encourage and prepare emerging entrepreneurs with the knowledge of the challenges, opportunities, and successes that lie ahead.

DiUlus's three progressive volumes of The Way of the Entrepreneur, Books I, II, and III, with Book I being released this month, inspire individuals to develop their own new enterprises. The ongoing result DiUlus forecasts will see the attraction of solid and supportive employees to an abundance of new enterprises and help in the effort to pull the nation towards the full employment envisioned by the president.

The DiUlus School of Entrepreneurship is among a handful of exceptional entrepreneur learning venues and distinctively the only existing platform with a world-class practitioner as the exclusive guide, instructor, and mentor. Training is completely online offering learners ease of access 24/7 and a personal freedom to absorb instruction literally at will anytime, anywhere.

Dr. DiUlus states flatly there are no pre-requisites to become an entrepreneur. The only criteria a person must possess, he offers, is the desire, coupled with a fervent passion, to succeed. "Entrepreneurship,"  he says, "is an evolution. It is the growing development of a confident, self-assured individual innately capable and honed to precision with training to do anything, undertake anything, and succeed at anything, anytime, anywhere in the world."


Dr. Fred DiUlus is among the Who’s Who of leading pioneers in online higher education and a noted authority in developmental entrepreneurship.

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