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How to size photos For ExpertClick® and News Release Wire
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Sunday, December 5, 2010


How to size photos:

For ExpertClick® and News Release Wire ? using the free system at www.Picnik.com

1) Copy to folder

2) Open with Picnik.com ? no registration required

3) Size for use

a. Up to 400 pixels wide for news release wire.

b. Suggested 283 pixels wide for Press Room Page

4) Suggested Shape is Square, as we?ve seen Google pick Square images more often. http://www.customerhandbook.com/2010/11/google-news-pick-up-of-news-releases.html

5) Then store back to a folder on your computer. (Or if you?ve opened a paid Picnik account you can store your images there ? that?s ?Cloud Computing,? as is the general name for off-site storage. Using the ?Cloud? is good for then you can access your photos from anywhere.)

a. Please store as a .JPG ? we do not allow .gifs in the ExpertClick system for security reasons.

b. We suggest you name the photo with ?search engine words? and use underscore between the words so search engines can read them.

i. In this example I made the image for Mr. Snyder to describe Santa on a Surfboard: Santa_Surfboard-399.jpg for news releases

c. Only use standard key stokes ? do not use: ? or ( or [ as they do not help.

6) That?s it.


Links presented in the video above :

1) Photo Edit Site: http://www.picnik.com/

2) Customer Handbook of ExpertClick Members: http://www.CustomerHandbook.com

3) ExpertClick --- Sample Press Room Page: http://www.expertclick.com/19-2370 showing a Vertical Presentation with one image with the 283 pixel width.

4) News Release Wire --- Sample News Release with image at 399 Wide by 399 Tall: http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/34213

5) Square photos pick up best:

pa http://www.customerhandbook.com/2010/11/google-news-pick-up-of-news-releases.html

Part One Video ? What we are going to do:



Part Two -- Actual Example Shown Below: This second video is the actual taking all the steps live - so members can see the exact things to do.



We hope you find these videos of value. Often members find value in watching them several times to fully understand the ideas, for what you can do reaches beyound you ExpertClick membership, for now you can create a place to store your photos, access those photos from anywhere, and use those photos anywhere that can take HTML.

---Mitchell Davis

More info about Cloud Hosting here: http://www.newsreleasewire.com/34396
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Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
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