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How to Find Speakers -- Bureaus, Associations, Assoc. Chapters, Pay to be listed sites, and more.
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Sunday, November 13, 2011


How to Find Speakers -- Bureaus, Associations, Assoc. Chapters, Pay to be listed sites, and more. 

Created in ?Ubook? format.

Directories are like photographs ? a capture of information at a given point in time.  You?ve seen those wide panorama photos that scan a group of people -- the internet allows to both capture and show the most current update of the site. The Ubook system allows quick creation and publication of web site information.

Here?s our formula -- each citation includes:
  • The Profile Name ? the name of the business.
  • A Screen Shot of the website ? hosted image from time of survey ? the memory part.
  • An open Iframe of the site, that loads live at the time of viewing.
  • A link to open the front page.
  • A link to open the click to contact page.
  • Date Visited
  • Alexa US Rank
  • Alexa Inbound Links

Directories offer a variety of challenges in the collection of information.   Some subjects are very interested in having information published ? some not.   For example years ago during the cold war we created a ?Directory of Eastern European Journalists? ? and wow were they cooperative ? maybe because back then the ?journalist cover? was very popular for ?spys? and of course they were most pleased to have us endorse their cover.  Speaker Bureaus are the exact opposite ? they don?t want to be listed as they don?t want to be solicited by speakers wanting to be listed. 

We provide the link to the ?click to contact? page for those listed offer many different ways to be contacted, depending on the type of message and urgency.

We also create a database of e-mail and postal contact information, and for a fee send e-mail or postal messages to the list.   (The primary reason we create data in the ?Ubook? format is to send our printed Yearbook of Experts to the listed groups.)

Here is a typical citation for the format we call a Ubook.  To have us create a Ubook.com simply sent us the following data in a tab delimited format.

  • Participant Name
  • The URL of their web site
  • The URL of their ?Contact Us? page.
Speakers can be found at many types of sites:
  • Speaker Bureaus
  • Speaker Associations
  • Speaker Association Chapter Sites
  • Commercial sites that charge speakers for listings.
  • DMOZ
  • KeywordSpy.com by what they spend on their ads.
We will create a press room page that shows the information in Ubook directory fashion.   Soon we will have an ?Click to save as PDF? option.   You?ll be able to print or order a glossy printed directory from www.MagCloud.com

Here is a sample citation:


------- Start of Citation. -------

Washington Speakers Bureau -- Screen Shot: 11/14/2011 - Hot to their profile.

Live Web Site -- click here to open framed image below -- in new broswer: http://www.washingtonspeakers.com

Click Here to open the Contact Us for Washington Speakers Bureau in new browser

Alexa Information, November 14, 2011: US Rank: 218,328 Inbound Links: 366

Link to Alexa.com for updated information about Washington Speakers Bureau website:

-------------- End of Citation. ------------
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Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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