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How To Send News Releases - Video and Instructions
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Thursday, April 22, 2010


How to send news releases -- See text instructions below:

1) Create your release in Word or a text program in which you can spell check.

2) Copy to a simple text editor like Notepad to ensure you have plain text.

3) Log-in with your User ID and Password.

4) Choose the style of release -- text is best.

5) Cut and paste your headline on first page.

6) Add links and photo on page 2. (This is optional.)

7) Cut and paste your text in the text box on page 3.

6) Click to see a proof on the next page. If satisfied, close that separate box. If you need to edit the release, you can close the box and go back to the previous page.

7) Approve by checking the box; then, click to submit.

8) The NewsReleaseWire system will assign you a number for your release, and you?ll see on the completion screen a unique URL that links to your news release.

9) Then you can click on that link to see the final release.

10) Your news release will go live instantly and appear on the front page of ExpertClick and at NewsReleaseWire.

Releases are sent out via:

= Google News;

= Daily and weekly headline feeds;

= Via LexisNexis;

= In the full RSS feed for all our experts;

= Posted instantly at both NewsReleaseWire and ExpertClick front pages;

= Linked to your Press Room Page at www.ExpertClick.com;

= Included in the exclusive RSS feed that only shows your news releases;

= As a widget you can pick up and place on your Web site;

= Cited with an icon in the topic search results at ExpertClick;

= . . . And, most importantly, as a unique Web page with full search-engine optimization, based on your headline, topics and tags.

Pickup Short URL to Share
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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