Monday, March 8, 2010
How Does Your Web Site Score?
The Web sites of the members of were recently evaluated by the Washington, D.C.-based public relations company, which helps to promote its clients on line.
?We looked at five indicators --e-mail opt-ins, keywords and meta-tag optimization, page arrangement, inbound links and ad programs which drive targeted business,? said CEO Mitch Davis, founder of the Yearbook of Experts and ExpertClick.
?We saw that 48 percent of our members have e-mail opt-ins,? Davis said. ?That?s great.?
?Also, we found that 74 percent could use better targeting on their keywords and tags,? he said. ?And 83 percent can use better arrangement to feature sub-pages.?
?At the same time, we know that all of them can always use more in-bound links, and I will show them how to increase that,? Davis added.
?It is always hard to tell if a site is advertising at Google, Bing, Facebook or Linked in, but our test found only seven percent. So, there is room for improvement -- and more opportunity there.? offers a 10-minute, on-line video conference to review how your Web site can be more successful. ?I help with this personally," Davis said. ?We check the site?s score, and I share with clients various resources and how to use them, just like the advice I give at my search optimization speaking engagements.?
?When our members succeed, we succeed,? Davis noted. ?They can use what they learn right away with their news releases -- to get more business. And they know they can simply call our office and get a living, breathing person on the other end to answer their questions.?