Sunday, November 15, 2020
Holiday Shopping Scams – Disaster Prep – Launching New Products.
For full-service guest booking contact Mitchell Davis: or call (202) 333-5000
Or contact direct --- contact info and link to news release at bottom of each.
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10 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe from Shopping Scams During the Holidays
Robert Siciliano -- Identity Theft Expert
Gift Card Scams -- Shop Smart -- Be Careful with Coupons -- Protect Your Passwords -- Set Up Two Step Verification -- Think Before Clicking -- Keep Your Bank and Credit Card Secure -- Employment Scams -- Review Your Financial Health -- HTTP vs. HTTPS
Name: Robert Siciliano
Title: Personal Security and Identity Theft Expert
Group: Identity Theft Expert and Speaker
Dateline: Boston, MA United States
Direct Phone: (617)329-1182
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Loosing Treasured Family History Items and Heirlooms Is Heartbreaking! How to Save Your Stuff – New Book.
Scott M. Haskins -- Art Damage Expert Witness
While at a glance, our book looks like a pet care book, actually, if your house was on fire and you had to grab and go, would you grab your house pet or your family heirloom? Both are heartfelt treasures that you would regret losing… for years. But heirlooms and house pets don't mix!!! At any given time we can have items in the lab damaged by pets… its quite common.
Name: Scott M. Haskins
Title: Expert Witness, Art Conservator, Author
Dateline: Santa Barbara, CA United States
Direct Phone: 805-564-3438
Cell Phone: 805 570 4140
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How to Develop and Launch Successful New Products: Excerpts from an Interview with Leila Belmahi, CEO of Mariner's Bow
Leila Belmahi -- Growth Strategy Consultant
Belmahi fills the role of a fractional CMO. "I help companies of all sizes get unstuck. So, when a company has enjoyed success—decades into their business, they hit a wall and they don't know how to get to the next level. They bring me in.
When a start-up or existing business is looking to launch a new market or invent a new product, but are unsure of the next steps that will make that initiative successful, they call me in...
Name: Adrien Lynch
Title: Project Manager
Group: Mariner's Bow
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Main Phone: (212) 548-6562
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The U.S. Elections: Lessons Learned, Lessons Confirmed
Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant
A week after announcing Joe Biden as the winner, the TV stations have also called the last states. The electoral vote now stands at 306 for Joe Biden versus 232 for Donald Trump. Biden won back the so-called blue wall (the Midwestern states Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin) and was able to flip Georgia and Arizona. But in many of those states, the race was extremely close, and in fact, too close for comfort.
Who knows what would have happened without the corona crisis? The fact that Donald Trump almost got away with by and large claiming that the U.S. is rounding the corner, remains simply mind boggling to me.
The polling error seems almost bigger than in 2016 (and 2018). The popular vote currently stands at 50.8% – 47.2%. This might still change, but we are far away from the 7%-lead that the average of nationwide polls showed heading into election day. In addition, Democrats are poised to lose seats in the House and did not even come close to beating some of the Republican incumbents in the Senate that were considered vulnerable. And all this happened while Democrats were literally burning money. My lessons learned and lessons confirmed:
– An election with an incumbent is foremost a referendum on the incumbent. Joe Biden's vote share (50.8%) is actually fairly close to the number of voters who disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing (52.4%). While this gives credence to the referendum thesis, another lesson has also been confirmed: An opposition party that merely banks on the vulnerability of the incumbent party, no matter the screw up of the incumbent party, is often overestimating its chances to win.
– The polls were particularly off regarding the Trump vote. If I compare the average of the polls with the actual results, it is particularly Trump's vote share that is different (by 3.2% nationwide, 4.2% in Florida, 7% in Ohio, 4.5% in Wisconsin). It is possible that people lied and there indeed exist the "shy Trump voters." As one Republican pollster argued all along: People lie to their doctor, their spouse and tax authorities. Why would they honestly tell a stranger over phone how they vote? While that guy seems really smart now and has my full attention, it is also possible that polls did not capture new Trump voters, or that undecideds went overwhelmingly for Trump. While listening to some focus groups, it always did seem to me that voters who self-identified themselves as undecideds were actually leaning Trump. Whatever it was that pollsters got wrong, it is clear that if there is herding among pollsters, meaning that they copy each other and base their raw data on the same wrong assumptions, taking the average of polls doesn't make the data better.
– "It's the economy, stupid" James Carville famously said some 28 years ago. While Joe Biden emphasized his middle-class background, the campaign did little to build up economic competence (do you remember anything in that respect from the convention or the debates?) I will never forget a focus group respondent after the first debate say that while Trump's behavior was despicable, "it does not affect my bottom line." The economy does. So in that sense, it's the economy first, last, and forever.
- Multiple paths to 270: Ever since John Kerry had to make the painful decision back in 2004 whether to invest limited resources into Florida or into Ohio, having multiple paths to 270 became a mantra for Democrats. It takes money to be in a position to do that, but it has paid off. I am sure that many Democrats thought so during the days when the entire world was watching John King at the magic wall walk us through Joe Biden's, well, multiple paths to 270.
– Candidates matter: The fact that Joe Biden finished the campaign with a net positive approval rating (50% favorable, 44% unfavorable) is quite an accomplishment during these polarizing times. A more liberal candidate would probably have had a difficult time withstanding attacks focusing on the "radical left agenda." This being said, I also think that a 25-years younger Joe Biden would have won this thing more convincingly and probably had more coattails for Senate and House candidates.
Looking to the future, Joe Biden will at least try to unify the country. He campaigned as a unifier and built a coalition ranging from the left wing of his party up to moderate Republicans. He therefore might very well govern as a unifier. "Let's give each other a chance", was the key sentence in that respect from his victory speech. Even if the senate remains controlled by Republicans, divided government does not have to lead to a gridlock. In fact, some of the most impactful legislation happened when control of power was divided in Washington D.C. For example, this was the case for the civil rights legislation, the federal highway system, or social security reform. This is, of course, if the country wants to be unified.
Dr. Louis Perron is a political scientist, consultant and TEDx speaker based in Switzerland. During the past years, he has helped two dozen candidates and parties win election and referendum campaigns
. Perron Campaigns
Dr. Louis Perron
Seefeldstr. 69
8008 Zürich
To Book -- Call his cell:
011 41 796544246
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Post COVID Relationships Face a Reckoning
PAIRS Foundation
Rocky marriages and relationships that survived COVID will face their reckonings as an improving economy and forthcoming vaccine offer more freedom for couples to decide if they will make-up or break-up when the threat subsides.
I grew up often sitting on the other side of the door of mom's basement office as she helped couples and families find their way through the crises that threatened their marriages, families and very lives through the sixties and seventies. For many, it was a time of transition as the expectations of relationships increasingly shifted from the submissive-dominant model of their parents and grandparents to the equality of peers.
While it will take years to know the details, we can be certain COVID's impact on marriages and families will be significant and lasting.
Despite her experience and reputation as a skilled marriage and family therapist, mom discovered that the best help she could offer was skills training that helped clients find their own answers. That's equally true today for couples who are considering if they're going to remain committed to the relationships that helped them survive this tragic global pandemic.
She didn't have a magic wand to change the past or decide the future for anyone, even our family. She could, however, help clients focus on what mattered, decide what they wanted to do about it, and support them with practical, usable tools that gave them the best chance of doing that competently.
Will Vulnerable Relationships Survive an Improving Economy and Vaccine?
For many rocky marriages, relationships, and romances that survived COVID and will soon face their reckonings as an improving economy and forthcoming vaccine offer more freedom, that help is as important as ever.
These five questions were particularly important to couples and individuals who came to her for advice deciding whether to make-up or break-up when their marriages, families, or romances were in trouble. They are questions participants in PAIRS ("Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills") classes consider from the outset of their training.
Name: Seth Eisenberg
Title: CEO
Group: PAIRS Foundation
Dateline: Hollywood, FL United States
Direct Phone: 888-724-7748
Main Phone: 888-724-7748
Cell Phone: 954-554-3306
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How to Easily Overcome Your Secret Fears And Achieve Success
Val Wright -- Global Leadership and Innovation Expert
Have you ever experienced any of these fears?
• fear that you will make a mistake
• fear you are letting your team down
• fear that you will look needy
• fear of trying an alternative way rather than your usual approach
• fear that you will pick the wrong path
• fear that your outrageous idea may not pan out
• fear that your hiring bet may fall through.
• It isn't the same kind of fear that is life-threatening but it is success-threatening because it causes you to freeze, doubt yourself and perhaps not go as fast as you could.
• Once you name it, acknowledge it, and understand what you really are concerned about you can easily overcome it.
What do you secretly fear and what is honestly causing it?
Name: Val Wright Consulting LLC
Group: Val Wright Consulting
Dateline: South Pasadena, CA United States
Direct Phone: 626 387 7600
Main Phone: 1800 455 0910
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3 Steps to Developing Workplace Contingency Plans [COVID-19]
Timothy A. Dimoff -- High Risk Security Expert
First, it is essential to identify what is a critical incident. It may be the accidental death or injury of one or multiple employees, any situation that could attract unusual attention from the news or media (such as an active shooter or COVID-19 outbreak), or any Act of God event (i.e., tornado, fire) that will severely interfere with the continuous operation of your operation. Ensure your plan identifies all types of incidences that could occur in each location. For example, the risks are not the same in Los Angeles as they are in Cleveland.
Name: Carol Saferin Group: Mart Saferin & Associates, LLC Dateline: Green Valley, AZ United States Direct Phone: 440-669-6325
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Steve Greenberg -- Gadget Guy aka Innovation Insider

Check out — "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?"
It's the NEW YouTube Gadget Game Show< br> It's sort of "Shark Tank" meets "What's My Line?" < br> Hosted by NBC Today Show contributor Steve Greenberg< br> Panelist ask questions to try to identify a "mystery gadget"
< br> How well do you know your gadgets? < br> We landed celebrity guest panelist, the amazing JUDY GOLD in Episode 14 & 15< br> Here's the link:
Name: Steve Greenberg
Title: Innovation Insider
Group: Steve Greenberg, Inc.
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Direct Phone: 305-778-6787<
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2020 Volkswagen Jetta GLI Review-Is It Fun?
Lauren Fix, The Car Coach -- Automotive Expert -- Consultant
The 2020 Volkswagen Jetta GLI is available in two trim levels: S and Autobahn. We take the 2020 Volkswagen Jetta GLI for a test drive and check out the interior, exterior, and cargo space. 4K. Here is our 2020 Volkswagen Jetta GLI Review.
2020 Volkswagen Jetta GLI Review Summary:
My Book: "LAUREN FIX'S GUIDE TO LOVING YOUR CAR Book – < br> Sign Up for Auto Tips, Tricks & Cost Saving Secrets in our Free Monthly < br> Newsletter:
Name: Lauren Fix, The Car Coach
Title: Automotive Consultant/Expert
Dateline: Lancaster, NY United States
Direct Phone: 716-440-3888
Main Phone: 646-475-4357
Cell Phone: 716-440-3888
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12 Expert Tips to Help You Write a Nonfiction Book Easily and Effectively
Nina Amir - Nonfiction Writing, Blogging, Publishing Consultant

You've started writing your nonfiction book but already feel like quitting. It's not as easy (or as fun) as you thought it would be. But you know and follow authors who seem to churn out books consistently with ease. "What makes them different?" you wonder.
Here's a better question: "What do they know about writing a nonfiction book effectively that you don't?" That's the only thing that makes them different from you. < br> < br> You're in luck. I've got the answer to that question.
I asked four prolific, seasoned, and successful nonfiction authors for their three best tips for writing a nonfiction book. Read them below.
But don't just read their tips. Put them to use. Then, you can write a nonfiction book easily and effectively, too.
Would you like to write and publish nonfiction work, like articles, blog posts, books, or reports…and become a successful author? Check out the Nonfiction Writers' University. Get the basic education you need and the coaching to help you succeed as a nonfiction writer. Take advantage of monthly live educational and group coaching events.
Name: Nina Amir
Title: Inspiration to Creation Coach
Group: CopyWright Communications
Dateline: Los Gatos, CA United States
Direct Phone: 408-353-1943
Cell Phone: 408-499-1084
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Click to to open and read all releases or click on release of interest.
*The U.S. Elections: Lessons Learned, Lessons Confirmed
*In Conversation With Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz Co-Author of Wildhood: The Astounding Connections between Human and Animal Adolescents
*Trumpers Bring MAGA to Heart of D.C.
*Three Signs Of A Scarcity Mindset: How To Unlock Your Philanthropic Impact
*COVID-19 quick takes--part one
*Trump Won 2020 U.S.Election: Evidence Will Prove
*Building Optimal Agency/Client Relationships: Superstars from "Both Sides" Share Essential Guidance for Building Trusting, Profitable Relationships that Endure (And 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Every Agency/Client Relationship)
*The Caring Generation®: Working & Caring For Eldelry Parents
*Terrific Review of "On The Trail of Delusion"
*Becalmed From Mary L. Flett, Ph.D.
*Hatcher Group Rebrands; News from Skyward Apps, Devaney & Associates and Sinclair
*Time To "Tech The Halls"
*The Essence of the Spirit of Prophecy
*Attention: Wake Up!
*Dana Robertson – Episode 1109
*Post COVID Relationships Face a Reckoning
*360 – Live streaming is da bomb: Tom talks Facebook Live
*Good Recommendation From Chicken Soup For The Soul Author
*Top Ten Twitter Tweets of November 14, 2020
*Weekly Subscription News: Digital, Travel and Podcast Subscriptions
*Center for Partnership Studies, Partnership Studies Group Seeking Digital Communications Assistant
*Assuming Makes an… Well, You Get the Picture
*Deutsche Bank's work-from-home tax is economic insanity
*Atari Token Now Generally Available on Changelly to Make Premier Video Game Token More Accessible in the USA