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Here’s How Hosts Can Make Money with ExpertClick.
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Sunday, September 16, 2018


Here's How Hosts Can Make Money with ExpertClick.

It is a great way for host to

1) Promote the audio from a show,

2) help their guests get publicity,

3) and earn a $100 royalty if the guest joins ExpertClick.com as a member.

Here's how you can help your guests and make some serious cash:

A)  You send us the audio and connect us with the interview subject.

B)  We give the expert a free pass to use the system for 30 days and get them signed up at your affiliate link: www.ExpertClick.com/free/<<-Your-Name>>

C)  In the event they convert to being a paying client after the 30 days you get a $100 royalty via PayPal.

I've paid out more than $30K in affiliate bonuses.

--Mitchell P. Davis



202) 333-5000

Here's an example of the news release with audio we'll do for them with a news releases hosting their audio.


You could send a basic email to guests after their show. (or even to people in your archive.)

--------------------- Suggested text:

Dear Mr/s: Last Name:

It was a pleasure to have you on the program.

I've attached an audio file of your show for your use.

One of the things you can do is have the audio hosted at www.ExpertRadio.com

--That site is hosted by ExpertClick.com and the Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons.

The have a 30-Pass program where they will set up a Press Room for you and host your audio.

If you'd like to that take these two steps:

Sign up with them at www.ExpertClick.com/free/Host_Name

Then forward this email and attachment to them at Support@ExpertClick.com

Free of charge they will

1)   Set up that audio at SoundCloud -- so you can use it anywhere.

2)    Get you their free starter account and load that audio into your Press Room and send a news release with your text.

Contact Mitchell Davis, the Editor there at:

(202) 333-5000 or


Again my pleasure to have had you on the show.



Host Name

-----------------------------End of text.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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