Monday, November 24, 2008
As The Economy Tightens, Negotiation Skills Become More Essential Than Ever Before
McLean, Virginia, November 24, 2008 ? According to Jim Thomas, author of ?Negotiate To WIN: How to Get the Best Deal Every Time? (HarperCollins), ?As the economy tightens, it?s essential executives sharpen your negotiation skills to give your business the edge it needs to not only profit but survive.?
The average after-tax profits in the US have been declining for the last 50 years, down from 15 to 20 percent to only 4 percent or less. ?This means, if you negotiate poorly and you are looking at a mere 4 percent profit margin, you can be underwater very quickly,? says Thomas. ?The good news is that when you can?t win the other side?s agreement with the compelling power of your argument, you can usually buy it with concessions.?
Jim is Director Emeritus of Common Ground Seminars, Inc., and is available as an adviser, counselor, teacher, and keynote speaker. Jim is the top choice of US presidents and their staffs for negotiating coaching and advice. He served the United States in the successful Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) negotiations with the former Soviet Union and the GATT (now WTO) trade negotiations.
Negotiating has been the focus of Jim's 30-year law practice. His current negotiating projects include some of today's most newsworthy domestic and international issues. Jim?s experience includes banking, mergers and acquisitions, domestic and international business transactions, arms control, the environment, trade and diplomacy, real estate, labor relations, and a host of other fields. His clients range from Fortune 500 companies and federal, state, and local government agencies to small and mid-sized businesses, non-profit groups, and professional and trade associations.
Jim's presentation style is frequently described as "a combination of negotiator, lawyer, and standup comedian." "If I can make people laugh, I can make them learn," says Jim. "While negotiating is, more than ever, an essential skill for success, it's not easy. In fact, it's the only skill I know that can be technically and emotionally demanding at the same time. My job is to create such a spellbinding event that attendees can't help but pay attention, and make it so much fun that they can't help but learn."
To secure Jim for a speaking engagement, training seminar, or for more information contact:
Jacqueline Trovato
Common Ground Seminars, Inc.
8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 800
McLean, VA 22102 phone: 703.287.8752