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Good Concepts 2018 Update
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Madison, WI
Sunday, May 13, 2018


These ten pages of key concepts will give the reader some understanding of both my breakthrough ideas and personal background.  The first seven pages have eight power point frames each about a major concept of empire and climate theory.  The eighth page looks at ten key points about paradigm shifting revolutions, then the last two pages are biographical notes about my curriculum vitae.  The detail can be found on the academia.edu website link at the end, but the gist of each is given below:

Socioeconomic Decline of Empire

This is the best way to frame the effect of military spending on society.  It starts dragging the economy down and after a generation or so starts consuming the whole society politically, socially, economically, corrupting everything in sight.  Effects the economy immediately year by year and things like the crime and health rates over the time to raise a child.

Banks and Fascism

This side looks at the evolution of an empire and things like the imperial presidency and fascism.  The press, opportunity costs, and current history events are covered also.

Land Ocean Cycle

This powerful phenomenum emerges clearly out of a detailed analysis of the many sections of the planet as the temperature of the whole changes differently from the various parts.  There are many confirming patterns in the details beyond this simple summary.

Climate Cycle Affects Economics and War

When Nicolai Kondratieff first documented the long economic cycle of about 50 years in 1926, he thought of it as a manmade cycle.  Little did he see the relationship between the natural cycle, the economic cycle, and the war cycle.  Adherents of each type of cycle don't seem to venture out of their silos to see how they each relate to the other.

Defense Strategy Lessons from World War II

The high cost and strategy of war are hinted at in these slides.  The concept of keeping the military low to keep the economy strong for the long run major wars every fifty years or so and the ability to mobilize over a short period of time argue for lower levels of military spending.  The defense strategy paper on academia.edu is necessary to better understand the possibilities for an effective defense recognizing the economic danger of high military spending.

Economic Model of 20th Century

The three to five major components of the long term model show how an accurate theory of economics can be built.  This is often believed impossible by many in the economic profession.  The basics are covered here, but the economic model paper on my academia.edu website is necessary for a more detailed understanding.

Birth of "Dungeons and Dragons"

These insights came from my wargaming years 1964-1974 with Gary Gygax, the inventor of Dungeons and Dragons role playing games. At the end is a comparison of Reuschlein and Gygax.

Scientific Revolution Facts

I distilled these key ideas from Thomas Kuhn's "Structure of a Scientific Revolution" and live the adventure all the time as I endeaver to stake my claim to my own scientific discoveries.  These ten facts hit home to me the hardest.

Nine Fields of Knowledge Create Ideas

Here is a two page version of my curriculum vitae, with the important addition of nine fields of knowledge I found essential to the building of my theories.  Any one of them missing and I would not have succeeded.


For a basic ten pages read on my ideas and background:


Please cite this work as follows:

Reuschlein, Robert. (2018, May 13), "Good Concepts 2018 Update", Madison, WI:  Real Economy Institute.  Retrieved from: https://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Good-Concepts-2018-Update,2018157444.aspx

Dr. Peace, Professor Robert Reuschlein, Real Economy Institute

Nominated Vetted 2016, Given Odds 2017 Nobel Peace Prize

Possible Favorite in 2018 Nobel Peace Prize October 5th.

Contact: bobreuschlein@gmail.com, Info: www.realeconomy.com

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Name: Dr. Robert W. Reuschlein
Title: Economics Professor
Group: Real Economy Institute
Dateline: Madison, WI United States
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