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Global Academy Joins with EARI to Revolutionize Digital Higher Education
Fred DiUlus, PhD Fred DiUlus, PhD
New York, NY
Thursday, May 23, 2019

GECU TECH Holodeck

21st Century Advanced Higher Education

Entertainment Arts Research Inc. (EARI), an Atlanta, GA based publicly traded entertainment and education developer has joined forces with Global Academy (Online), an online/blended university builder to construct the first totally immersive hi-tech driven university:

The Global Experimental College & University - GECU Tech.

The new university, according to Dr. Fred DiUlus, the director of the project, is a result of reengineering from top to bottom what has become the accustomed University development and evolution. GECU Tech has replaced the traditional college blended classes with the VClassroom, a personal classroom – an extraordinarily advanced, cyber based, 21st Century learner enhanced 2D and 3D total 'immersive learning' technology. Created by EARI, the system is licensed exclusively to GECU Tech to represent, offer and train the technology worldwide.

DiUlus says the classroom experience GECU offers is a personalized, one student at a time version of Star Trek's Star Ship Enterprise's infamous Holodeck. The cyber controlled environment is personal, unique and directed by faculty. The GECU student engages in literally their own one-of-a-kind classroom with the advantage to go everywhere and do everything above and beyond anything available in a seat-based or internet directed systems driven scenario. GECU's breakthrough technology is enhanced by programs provided by the US space program to EARI.

The first programs to be offered by GECU Tech are Masters and Doctoral degrees along with skills training that includes, ESL to Space Ethics including the Professional VClass Training Certification.

GECU Tech is accepting inquiries for admission to its Spring Session 2020. For further information, contact GECU at info@gecu.tech or through the website at http://gecu.tech



Fred DiUlus, PhD is Chair and President Emeritus of Global Acsdemy (Online) is an Albert Nelson Marquis WHO’S WHO Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for his pioneering work in online higher education and developmental entrepreneurship. Sponsor of Twitter @ BestWorstOnline and current author of Way of the Entrepreneur series.on Amazon.

Joseph Saulter, MS is President and Founder of EARI (Entertainment Arts Research Inc.), a Public company. EARI is an expert and leader in the global Video Game Industry. Former Chair of the International Game Developers Association’s (IGDA) Diversity Advisory Board and current author of several Game Design and Development textbooks.

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