Home > NewsRelease > Fecal Transplants and Probiotics: the Natural Scoop Concerning Your Poop
Fecal Transplants and Probiotics: the Natural Scoop Concerning Your Poop
Victoria Bowmann -- Cleansing and Detoxification Victoria Bowmann -- Cleansing and Detoxification
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Phoenix, AZ
Thursday, June 19, 2014


Medical doctors are now offering fecal transplants for patients with Clostridium Difficil. This procedure was first used in the 1980s with a level of success, however you need to look at all sides of the procedure and do so with caution.  The procedure involves taking a sample of stool from a ?healthy? person, processing it and placing it into the colon of an affected patient. Medical doctors don?t understanding why this procedure works yet they are doing it anyway.

Let?s look at the method of processing the donor stool for a fecal transplant. When the stool sample is liquefied and filtered, any virus present in the sample remains. A virus is smaller than bacteria, so it passes thru the filter and remains in the sample. While the bacteria may be needed, the viral load could compromise the patient. Now let?s think about the DNA of the donor stool. The suggested sample is from a close relative; if one is available.  So where do you get for a sample, and is there DNA in the stool? It?s in our hair follicles, it?s in our saliva, blood, so it?s in our stools too. I?m still uncertain if I would want someone else?s DNA implanted into my colon. I question sharing this, especially if I am critically ill. Another concern I have is for toxic material. One of the jobs of the large intestine is to bind to and eliminate toxins in the stool. How does one go about removing them from the donor sample.

Since fecal transplantation is a medical procedure, it requires doctor visits, diagnosis, and expensive procedures. Whereas rectal probiotics is a health procedure called ?Reflorastation? and is much like choosing a vitamin supplement. As an informed consumer, you can help yourself inexpensively.

I pioneered this use of probiotics since 1991, and administer them rectally. Much like the fecal transplants without the risks. After all, would you put eye drops in your mouth? No, you put them in your eyes to moisten or treat an eye problem. How about nasal spray? Do you put them in your mouth? No, you spray them in the nose, which is where they are designed to treat nasal congestion or problems. So, taking probiotics orally is a 22 foot journey to the large intestine, which is where they do their primary function. Using them rectally, is a 6 inch journey while avoiding the stomach acids.  Right place, right application.

The process by which probiotics, lactobacilli and bifidus bacteria, are grow is in highly regulated and well established laboratories. Those that are produced are the major types found in the intestines of humans and other mammals. Yes, we share these strains of bacteria with our dogs, cats, and even horses. The ratio and proportions are different, however, the bacteria are the same varieties. My research has been in isolating probiotic bacteria with the highest vitality, efficiency and effectiveness for human use. It?s been exciting and rewarding work, with little or no risk for the user.

Why should you consider reflorastation? Many individuals have taken antibiotics, had food poisoning, or intestinal flu. When traveling in foreign countries, we are exposed to conditions that our bodies are unfamiliar. These situations disrupt the normal intestinal flora. Fermentation in the intestines causes increased bloating and flatulence. Odorous flatulence is an indication of putrefaction in the intestines. By supplementing the intestinal flora with a variety of Lactobacillus and Bifidus, you replace what might have been destroyed or disrupted.

The primary importance of the reflorastation is to restore the colon's bacteria to its healthy and normal state area. Many have reported an improvement in bowel function, including resolving chronic constipation. It has given relief to irritable bowel problems, reducing pain and bloating. The functions of the large intestine are many. When the dynamics are at an optimum, then the production of certain nutrients is enhanced, the absorption of vitamins and minerals is increased, and the binding of toxins for elimination is advanced.

In the first three days after reflorastation, there could be some very mild responses such as a change in the color of the stool. Yellow is a liver response, army green is a bile response, mucus may be present, or any increase in flatulence for a few hours. These are a natural regulation of the intestine. Generally, within three days, there is easier and healthier elimination such as ease in defecation, reduction in gas and cessation of bloating.

The primary importance of the reflorastation is to restore the colon's bacteria to its healthy and normal state area. Many have reported an improvement in bowel function, including resolving chronic constipation. It has given relief to irritable bowel problems, reducing pain and bloating. The functions of the large intestine are many. When the dynamics are at an optimum, then the production of certain nutrients is enhanced, the absorption of vitamins and minerals is increased, and the binding of toxins for elimination is advanced.

© 2013 Victoria Bowmann, PhD

Would you like more information on these concepts? If so, visit www.MyRealHealth.com and email Dr Victoria for a free CD to clarify these ideas.

About Victoria Bowmann, Ph.D

Dr. Victoria Bowmann received her PhD in homeopathy and natural medicine from Westbrook University as well as a doctorate in homeopathic medicine from the British Institute of Homeopathy. She is also a licensed massage and certified colon therapist in the state of Arizona. Bowmann is a regular contributor to several national publications, has been interviewed on television and radio, and has delivered numerous presentations internationally. She has personally trained physicians and colon hydrotherapist and wrote a widely used training manual on GI Health and reflorastation. Her private practice is located in Phoenix, Ariz., and Bowmann lives by the motto, "Happiness is a choice."


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Name: Victoria Bowmann
Dateline: Phoenix, AZ United States
Direct Phone: 602-971-8392
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