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ExpertClick.com and the Yearbook of Experts for IMC USA members
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Wednesday, November 20, 2019


ExpertClick.com and the Yearbook of Experts for IMC USA members

  1. Results members get – the deliverables.
  2. Content ideas for what you can share – from News Release to NewsJacking.
  3. Methods – the six ways to push your content in, one takes just seven keystrokes.


Section One:  Results member get – the deliverables:

  • News media interviews.  Journalists love the system for they know our experts have "skin in the game," welcome interviews, and respond to inquires.
  • Search Engine optimization – You get inbound links to your website from your postings.  Many members have 100,000 plus page views.
  • You'll be in good company – we screen very carefully who we let and that ensure trust In the network.
  • Badges and buttons. You can share link to your ExpertClick press room and Platform speaker bureau on your site – adding verification of your expertise.
  • Testing ideas to get comments – I've seen members post chapters of the books they are working on to share the ideas and better formulate – and get response to fine-tune their ideas

Section two:   Content ideas for what you can share – from News Release to NewsJacking.

  • Send news releases about your business and your activities.
  • Send news release about the various pages on your website and deep-link to those pages for SEO.
  • Send news releases about the events you will be attending and speaking out. – then personally send copies to your clients, potential clients and lapsed clients in that target city and invite them to dinner the night before.  I've done that as "Dinner-with-Mitch" for decades and can tell you:  a) all the goodwill I've gotten, even with people who can't make it & b) the stories the guests share in person.
  • Ask a question in the headline and answer in the text as many people search on questions – you great SEO as people use questions to search, but as they don't know your solutions can't search on them.
  • Do some NewsJacking. David Meerman Scott create a phenomena about it, and basically it mean "to ride the coat tails" of current news event.  I.e. if there is a news event on corporate governance or even better a scandal, and you've got expertise and opinion, you should take advantage to the news interest and get your comments in.

Section Three:  Methods – the six ways to push your content in, one takes just seven keystrokes.

  • As text
  • As HTML
  • As a screen shot, with a headline you enter.
  • As PDF, where you load the PDF.
  • As a hosted Tweet, where you enter the headline and the Twitter Embed code.
  • As a video news release where you enter a headline and embed a YouTube video.

There are two ways consultants can join ExpertClick.com – one is free!!!

Join free at www.ExpertClick.com/influencer/IMC_USA  -- Joining there you get the standard membership free – and later if you upgrade we'll donate a $100 royalty to IMC

Join paid at: www.ExpertClick.com/discount/IMC_USA -- You get a 15% discount – join for a little as $50.15 per month – and we guarantee   that rate for life – plus we'll dona


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Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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