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Expert Author Award Dec. 2020
Scott M. Haskins -- Art Conservation-Restoration, Art Damage Repair and Insurance Claims Scott M. Haskins -- Art Conservation-Restoration, Art Damage Repair and Insurance Claims
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Santa Barbara, CA
Tuesday, December 22, 2020


As Featured On EzineArticles

The esteemed website for authors, that write as experts on a subject, EnzineArticles.com has vetted the articles that we have recently submitted and re-awarded the prestigious “Expert Author” Award, for which we are most pleased.

The renewal of the award from previous years comes to us on the heels of the international book award for “Best Pet Care Guidebook” From 10-10-10Publishing in Toronto Canada on Sept. 19, 2020

Of course we are pleased to receive recognition but we are not posting this to blow our own horn, as my dad used to say, but instead to reassure you that you have verified, recognized, vetted experts providing valuable information, counseling and content to you for the protection of your housepets and your heirlooms.

Our recent blog post about Traveling with Pets got widespread recognition as being valuable content backed by a number of major institutions, research and science. ExpertClick.com has been instrumental in the syndication of this article and in the promotion of speaking engagements. Take action please.

On the writer’s team beside me, Scott M. Haskins, is :

Diane Stevenett, Co-Author of the book How To Save Your Pet From a Disaster and a Co-Author for article submissions to several internet sites for Traveling With A Pet?

Khola Malik, Co-Author for article submissions to several internet sites for Traveling With A Pet?

Notice in this video, the difference between the potential damage done to the pet which is not restrained and the one that is…

#ExpertClick #ScottMHaskins #DianeStevenett #ProtectYourPet #PetCare #HowToSaveYourPetFromADisaster #SaveYourStuff

How To Save Your Pet From A Disaster can be bought at a discount on Amazon. Click here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MS5KJLT The price of the book includes continuing education email tips with relative information for which you will need to go to the website at https://www.ProtectYourPetGuideBook.com after the purchase to sign up. Kindle also available. For media, contact co-author Scott M. Haskins, 805 570 4140 faclartdoc@gmail.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Scott M. Haskins
Title: Author, Art Conservation/Restoration, Pets and Heirlooms, Art Damage, Expert Witness
Group: www.fineartconservationlab.com
Dateline: Santa Barbara, CA United States
Direct Phone: 805-564-3438
Cell Phone: 805 570 4140
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