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Notable People In My Life
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Madison, WI
Thursday, September 23, 2021


Gary Gygax

Principal Inventor of "Dungeons and Dragons."  Named number one Nerd in America in 2002 by Sync magazine.  A close wargaming associate from 1965 to 1974, we were two of the leading wargamers in the world, Gary more than me, in the International Federation of Wargaming.  His son Ernie assures me that he talked about me all the time, as I defeated Gary Gygax and the editor of the Avalon Hill General in my career without losing a tournament.

Jesse Jackson

Presidential Candidate 1984 and 1988, Close associate of Martin Luther King Jr., invited me as one of two people from Oregon to his Rainbow Coalition meeting in February 1987.  His aide Lewis Carter III later gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up at the Raleigh, NC, presidential announcement in October 1987.  My Peace Economics was distributed freely at both meetings.  Jesse used Chapter Six material to inspire a popular poetic framing of Peace Economics.  Jesse asked "How many people have a VCR from Japan?  How many people have an MX missile in your backyard?  What a nation does most of, a nation does best."

Ralph Nader

Consumer Advocate who wrote "Unsafe at Any Speed" saved millions of lives with seat belts.  Nader's raiders formed PIRGs across the country in many states.  PIRGs are public interest research groups, I worked for one in Oregon in the eighties.  My partner and I attended two Nader workshops in Rowe, Massachusetts in May 2015 and May 2018.  Nader still doesn't grasp the essence of Peace Economics, the opportunity costs of resources used by the military deprives their use to bolster and grow the civilian manufacturing economy.  Military gives you power, but manufacturing gives you achievement.  Military stagnates and manufacturing grows the economy.

Neil Goldschmidt

Governor of Oregon, Mayor of Portland, Transportation Secretary for President Jimmy Carter.  On the morning of his election to Governor, in the iconic 5th Street Mall, our eyes met, and we went over to shake hands.  I was the 4th congressional district Democratic Party Chair 1982-87 at the time.  From 1987 to 2011, I personally knew each governor of Oregon, thanks to my legislative intern and lobbyist work in 1981-1985.

Ed Fadeley

Supreme Court Justice State of Oregon, longtime my State Senator.  I was working with Ed in the gubernatorial primary until he told me in a car ride to back off, we both knew he wouldn't win, and I later saw that he was only gaining name familiarity to run for his dream job, Supreme Court Justice in 1988.  I was teaching Peace Economics at the University of Oregon in those years.  Paul Olum, president of UO and former Manhattan Project scientist, advised me to go into the private sector and make money from Peace Economics.  Olum and I were sharing a table at an event.  John Moseley UO research director loved my work and high fived me on the street once.  Ed Fadeley asked me to help on the 1981 reapportionment amendment I was successfully working on but even a whiff of partisanship would have killed the effort, so I had to ignore him.  The committee all eyed me carefully and thoughtfully stared at me as they slowly but unanimously adopted the amendment because it followed prior law.

Richard Holbrooke

Obama Ambassador to United Nations, Assistant Secretary of State to Carter and later Clinton.  Negotiated the Dayton Peace Accord for Bosnia with the former Swedish PM Carl Bildt.  In September 1994 I was in the room as he announced the Russian troop withdrawal from Berlin.  He was the US German Ambassador and we both could see the Russian troops on last parade in the courtyard below.   UW Madison Professor of German Rosemary Lester from my Madison church and born in Berlin had organized the alumni trip.  A war bride of an American soldier, she evaded the widespread rape in 1945 as Berlin fell to the Soviets, ending the very vicious Eastern Front war.

Ken Keyes Jr

Author of "Handbook of Higher Consciousness" (sold and made millions), "Hundredth Monkey Principle" and "Planethood."  We shared a workshop at the "True Meaning of Peace" conference for the grand opening of the United Nations University of Peace located in Costa Rica.  Afterword he used five clips from my Peace Economics in the book Planethood making me an instant celebrity amongst my fellow World Federalists who consider Planethood a kind of bible to them.

Dalai Llama

Religious leader of Tibetan Buddhists.  A keynoter at the June 1989 Conference mentioned under Ken Keyes Jr., I made the great religious leader laugh by talking to him after his speech.  A belly laugh, as I remember.

Lucy Webster

Director of World Federalist Movement, the international organization of which the US World Federalists were one of many country chapters.  Lucy attended my workshop at the 1999 hundredth anniversary conference of the Hague International Peace Congress and purchased $200 worth of Peace Economics writings.  I visited Norway and Copenhagen on my way to Holland.

Dede Halleck

Promotor of Peace Economy Conference on 40th anniversary of Woodstock, Dede founded the Amy Goodman show on public radio.  I flew into the conference directly from defending my dissertation the day before, and so dominated the conference from the sidelines that:  the local paper used the photo of me addressing the small group that met the second day for the cover of their paper.  My partner and I stayed at Dede's house overnight.

Richard Schneider

Founder of "Radio for Peace International" 1986-2004.  When he found out we were both going to the UN University of Peace conference he talked me into the RFPI conference the week before.  Later he asked me to present a Weather Wealth & Wars course, half on Peace Economics and half on the global warming and cooling cycle.  Transcripts of that 1997 course, updated every decade, make up the text first part of each chapter in the 35th anniversary book, Weather Wealth & Wars.

Midge Miller

Recruited Senator Gene McCarthy to run against President Johnson 1968, State Representative Wisconsin, founder Madison Institute think tank.  Rewrote entire Wisconsin legal code to make it gender neutral.  Leader in "The War At Home" video about UW Madison anti-Vietnam War movement (including Paul Soglin then a student protester).

Dorothy Pratt

Oregon United Nations Association and Senator Mark Hatfield Promotor.  It was in Dorothy's own living room that Peace Economics was discovered.  A Ruth Sivard bar chart of the G7 military v. manufacturing productivity was on the back of a "Fellowship of Reconciliation" brochure.  Ada Sanchez was the FOR staff.  Dorothy even got the City of Salem to put the flag of the United Nations on an equal footing with the flags of the State of Oregon and the USA.

Jean Auel

Author of "Clan of the Cave Bear".  I met Jean and her husband Ray at the annual Mensa Oregon retreat at Longbow campground in the Cascades.  She sang "I love arithmetic" by the fireside.  She received the largest advance of the time for fiction, $130,000 in 1980.  She wrote out of anger for being passed over for advancement when she earned an MBA.  She quit her job and researched the history of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthals.  Later her book was made into a movie.  The book definitely evokes memories of Longbow campground.

Jewel and Derrick Bell

This power couple came from Harvard Law School where Derrick taught for nine years before becoming Dean of Oregon Law School for five years.  I met Jewel in the living room of their house with about thirty Jesse Jackson Democratic Party precinct persons.  I explained to her, and the others present, that I had been the author of the Democratic Party of Oregon's National Delegate Selection Plan for 1984.  Then I explained how by block voting these delegates would vote for each other for state delegates and win in the unorganized Hart caucus.  The tactic worked in three of five congressional districts so well that Jesse Jackson was able to pick up a delegate out of two delegates chosen at the state level.  We had 80 Jackson delegates, Hart 92 delegates, and Mondale had 78 delegates.  I made a deal with the Hart folks to elect one of each.

Bob Bowman

Director of "Star Wars" Program under Jimmy Carter and Reagan.  Later stayed at our Peace House next door when giving a lecture in Madison.  We planted a tree for him when he passed.  He was brilliant.

Paul Soglin

Red Mayor (he visited Castro in Cuba) of Madison Wisconsin, returned to office every so often over the years for a few terms.  Built Frank Lloyd Wright's dream Monona Terrace.

I remember when he beat the very anti-protestor Bill Dyke in 1973 and we celebrated at the labor temple.  Decades later I met him biking and at the same health club.  A true child of the sixties, Paul was all about peace and civil rights.  He always had my vote.

Gary Bender

TV Personality WKOW TV who interviewed me in June 1968 at the first Madison Wargaming Convention, with Gary Gygax playing the Germans in Stalingrad.  Gary Bender was later covering sports for the national ABC sports.  Very polished young man.

Curriculum Vitae:


Book Launch:  https://www.amazon.com/author/robertreuschlein   

Weather Wealth & Wars, Empire and Climate Discoveries Change Everything!

This 400 page book is scheduled for release October 1.

Please cite this work as follows:  Reuschlein, Robert. (2021, September 23), "Notable People In My Life" Madison, WI, Real Economy Institute.  Retrieved from:  https://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Notable-People-In-My-Life,2021261457.aspx

Dr. Peace, Professor Robert Reuschlein, Real Economy Institute, Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2016-2021 with accelerating interest from the deciding Norwegians.  A consistently growing pattern shows intense interest in my work on my expertclick.com website; daily "hard looks" per year have gone from 2 to 3 to 48 to 128 to 200 to 68% ahead of last year's pace (305/182) so far, 348 days since the last Nobel Peace Prize announcement.

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Name: Dr. Robert W. Reuschlein
Title: Economics Professor
Group: Real Economy Institute
Dateline: Madison, WI United States
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