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Elevate to Heaven on Earth Workshop
Dr. Joy S. Pedersen --  Joy of Spirituality Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
Sarasota, FL
Thursday, May 12, 2022


Express Success LLC announces Dr. Joy Pedersen to speak at Light Consciousness Expo Sunday, May 15, 2022, at 1:00 PM at the Sarasota Event Center, 600 N. Beneva Road, Sarasota, Florida. "Elevate to Heaven on Earth" is a workshop based on the work she participated in with Archangel Michael that helped to open up Heaven on Earth on March 30, 2013. 

Archangel Michael appeared before Pedersen in 2004 asking her to write his book, "Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures by Archangel Michael to Change Your Life" and join him in a healing practice. Their work clearing darkness helped transition the world run by darkness to have a foothold in the light. 

That holy week preceding the opening day delivered a new tree of life. That tree will be gifted energetically to all attendees. The properties give the recipient access to all that is. This process and others will be provided to help ascend the participants to experience the properties of Heaven on Earth which are the dynamics of more love, joy, peace, balance, freedom, and abundance.

"The world appears in an upheaval and I look forward to resting some fears as well as giving new tools to transcend the concerns," says Pedersen.

Tickets to the workshop can be purchased here: https://www.sherrylord.com/store/p31/Joy_Pedersen_-_Elevate_to_Heaven_on_Earth.html

And overall information on the event can be read here: https://www.sherrylord.com/light-consciousness-event.html.

Pedersen will be sharing an update on the behind-the-scenes status of the health of the planet from the spiritual perspective as she works directly for Source as a global healer.

Following the workshop, she will be doing a book signing of "Wisdom of the Guardian", which can be purchased at her booth over the course of the weekend.



Express Success was founded in 1981 in Los Angeles by Joy Pedersen to help people succeed quicker and easier. After teaching the Law of Attraction, Pedersen realized that everyone had excellent results in some areas and limited results in others. She recognized internal blocks negatively affecting the area of life where people were experiencing diminished results. The search for a solution lead to the discovery of spiritual healing. Pedersen then became a non-denominational ordained minister, a Doctor of Divinity, Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach and Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner. She now works with an international clientele. Her private clients are often business owners addressing their personal lives as well as their business challenges helping both achieve even greater success with more ease. Express Success LLC has since relocated to Sarasota, Florida. For more information on Dr. Joy Pedersen, an international best-selling author, visit JoyPedersen.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Joy S. Pedersen
Title: Spiritual Healer and Coach
Group: Express Success LLC
Dateline: Sarasota, FL United States
Direct Phone: 941-220-6245
Cell Phone: 973-723-4686
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