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Eight New Benefits of ExpertClick Membership
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Eight New Benefits of ExpertClick Membership
Need your user id & password? Reply to this email or call (202) 333-5000.
1)      A new quick send news release page at www.NewsClick.com where with eight keystrokes you can send a news release. The page can remember your user id and password for quick sending.
2)      The October care package to be mailed to 30 top network and syndicated talk radio shows. You'll reach shows from Sean Hannity to Dave Ramsey. You can include your insert for $50. Deadline: September 30 --  We can print a color PDF for you or you can send use your already printed brochure. Call (202) 333-5000 to reserve you spot. Here's a video of the last care package sent -- https://youtu.be/WgtNdcX_U7I
3)      New membership Icons you can pick up in your admin area – for ExpertClick, News Release Wire and International Platform.
4)      New 2019 rates for renewal will go into effect on October 1 for the 35 th Yearbook of Experts:  Save now on Monthly, Annual & Lifetime – see the costs at www.ExpertClick.com/join -- save when you renew, upgrade or extend by September 30.   Call (202) 333-5000 for best rates based on when you first joined.
5)      New easy share buttons for Linkedin, Twitter & Facebook added to all pages
6)      New Blog syndication  -- If we've not picked up your blog yet, please send us a link and we'll pick it up – then we will push it out eight ways
a.       Included in your ExpertClick Press Room.
b.      Included in your speaker bureau Platform Page.
c.       Shown on the front page of ExpertClick, in rotation with other most recent posts.
d.      Shown in the News Release Results page.
e.      Included in search on all your topics.
f.        Shown via RSS linked from your Press Room.
g.       Shown in the full RSS feed from ExpertClick.
h.      Will be syndicated to Lexis in our overnight feed
7)      Deadline for updating your profile for the 2019 printed and PDF Yearbook of Experts is December 15.  Reply to this email or call 202.333.5000 and I can send you a link to show the image and text we have on file to be published.
8)      Membership in the International Platform Association speaker bureau is now included – reply and I'll send you a link your speaker bureau page.
Do call to say hello – we always here to help at (202) 333-5000 or by email at: Support@ExpertClick.com
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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