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Dr Kathy Gruver to Keynote CHSA Health Institute Conference
Kathy Gruver, Speaker, Author, Coach Kathy Gruver, Speaker, Author, Coach
Santa Barbara, CA
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dr Kathy Gruver
Video Clip: Click to Watch

For Immediate Release

Dr. Kathy Gruver set to Keynote California Head Start Association's Health Institute Conference in Los Angeles.

With an expected attendance of 250 people, CHSA will feature Dr. Gruver as the opening keynote speaker for their yearly event. Gruver, a health and wellness expert with over two decades of experience will share her knowledge of stress reduction and mindfulness with a talk entitled, Mindfulness and Perception; Keys to Better Health and Less Stress.  

Gruver conveys her message of relaxation and better health by sharing personal stories like that of being stranded in the country side of England "looking at something pretty." And how going to a beach party in Vegas can mess with your perception of self.

But it's not all fun and frolicking as Kathy also shares practical techniques that can be incorporated into daily life. "Meditation, affirmations, visualization and mindfulness are important things that can help the attendees to not only help themselves but also the students they interact with on a daily basis." Says Gruver. "It's my job to educate, entertain and make sure everyone leaves with at least one option of something they can do TODAY to improve their lives."

More about Gruver: 

Kathy Gruver is an award-winning author and the host of the national TV show based on her first book, The Alternative Medicine Cabinet (winner Beverly Hills Book Awards). She has earned her PhD in Natural Health and has authored two books on stress: Body/Mind Therapies for the Bodyworker and, Conquer Your Stress with Mind/Body Techniques (Winner Indie Excellence Awards, Beverly Hills Book Awards, Global E-book Awards, Irwin Awards, Finalist for the USA Best Books Award). Her latest book, Journey of Healing will be released this summer. She has studied mind/body medicine at the famed Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard Medical School and pursued further education at The National Institutes of Health. Gruver has been featured as an expert in numerous publications including Glamour, Fitness, Time, More, Women, Wall Street Journal, CNN, WebMD, Prevention, Huffington Post, Yahoo.com, Ladies Home Journal, Women, Massage and Bodyworks Magazine, and Massage Magazine. She has written dozens of health and wellness articles and contributing posts. Dr. Gruver has appeared as a guest expert on over 250 radio and TV shows including NPR, SkyNews London, Morning Blend in Las Vegas, CBS Radio, and Lifetime Television, and has done over 150 educational lectures around the country. For fun and stress relief Dr. Gruver does flying trapeze and hip hop dance.

More information about Dr. Kathy Gruver and her speaking and books can be found at www.thealternativemedicinecabinet.com

More information about Dr Gruver and her work can be found at www.thealternativemedicinecabinet.com 

Her media reel can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwNXK2DIb1s

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Name: Dr. Kathy Gruver
Dateline: Santa Barbara, CA United States
Direct Phone: 805-680-1984
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