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Deep Coaching: Using the Enneagram As a Catalyst for Profound Change, 2nd Edition
Roxanne Howe-Murphy, EdD -- Spiritual Teacher & Enneagram Expert Roxanne Howe-Murphy, EdD -- Spiritual Teacher & Enneagram Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Santa Fe, NM
Tuesday, October 25, 2022


This coaching book was revolutionary in 2007 and it still is today.” -Belinda Gore, PhD, from the 2022 Foreword; Author, Finding Freedom in Authentic Relationships: A life-changing exploration of the Enneagram and Object Relations

It’s been 15 years since the original publication of this book in 2007. In this second edition, Roxanne Howe-Murphy refines the integration of Enneagram wisdom and coaching with over 40% new or significantly revised material.

With 15 additional years of continued learning, teaching, mentoring, coaching and personal deepening within the context of an ever-fluid world, the right moment for a second edition became apparent.

– From Roxanne’s personal Preface to the 2nd edition  

You will find:

• Teachings not found in Roxanne’s previous writings

• More in-depth descriptions of coaching processes, and the addition of more coaching cues to support the use of the material in the professional-client relationship

• The ego-code and Triangle of Identity, originally introduced in Deep Living with the Enneagram: Recovering Your True Nature, revised and edited (2020), are integrated into the descriptions of the nine Enneagram types with suggested ways they can be applied in the coaching process.

• The five pillars of Deep Coaching are explicitly named and interwoven throughout the book.

Offering a radically compassionate, counter-intuitive approach to the change process, healing and growth-oriented professionals meet clients where they are and support them in experiencing that which is beyond their usual way of knowing themselves. Trusting the power of presence, coach and client alike are led to often significant outcomes that could not have been predicted. Through Deep Coaching, growth-oriented professionals recognize that one’s core Enneagram type is a powerful starting place to experience a new relationship with oneself and the transformative movement toward wholeness.

Purchase “Deep Coaching: Using the Enneagram As a Catalyst for Profound Change, 2nd Edition” here:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | Indie Bound or your favorite independent bookstore.

It is my great desire that in this 2nd edition, you will find a deep well of guidance and wisdom for the healing so needed in this world.



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Roxanne Howe-Murphy, EdD
Title: Spiritual Teacher & Enneagram Expert
Group: Roxanne Howe Murphy
Dateline: Santa Fe, NM United States
Direct Phone: 505-474-6308
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