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Communication from Client Who Transitioned to Heaven
Dr. Joy S. Pedersen --  Joy of Spirituality Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Sarasota, FL
Friday, March 15, 2024


A treasured client made her transition to Heaven and died on Tuesday. When others shared weeks earlier that it seemed like she was nearing her time to leave us, I tuned in and cleared as guided. But, her high self said she loved me me, said good-bye, and left her. When checking on her, she already had the angel with her that would be there to assist her move to Heaven and her family and friends who were left behind. As I mention in a report I have “Transition to Heaven“, an angel may come months before and stay months after someone’s death to assist all in the major event.

When I see that angel, I know it is only a matter of time before someone will pass.

Letter from Jo-Ann

On Wednesday, Jo-Ann was reaching out to me and shared this message from Heaven: 

My Dear Friend,

Thank you for your support over the years. I appreciate all you have done for me and with me.

I am here now on a new path. It didn’t turn out as bad as I had envisioned. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was hanging on, thinking there was more to do, but it doesn’t appear that way. I finally had to let go of the struggle.

I appreciate all everyone did for me. Please pass that on and tell everyone, especially my boys, I am fine.

Heaven isn’t so bad after all. I didn’t anticipate it would be, but you never know what to expect from where you are other than here.

My boys have been a bright light in my life, and I will miss seeing them grow and expand on their respective paths. But I will be here with and for them in any way I can. I can do things for them now that I couldn’t do before.

I know the missing will be there and I didn’t want to miss out on all they had going forward. Their lives are still just beginning in many ways, whereas mine had already seen and experienced a lot. I would have liked to do more but this experience isn’t be bad as I can see now.

You always wish for what you don’t have and cling to what you think you know. It is interesting how this has shown up differently than anticipated. Nothing seems bad here; it is just very different from what I am used to. It is nice, though, to give up the struggle. I was really fighting with myself, mostly to hang on in any way that I could.

I saw you upon my arrival. I didn’t know you’d be here greeting me. I thought only those who have already passed on. That was interesting. Archangel Joy. That’s you!

This journey will be fascinating. I want to continue communicating with you. It is purposeful to continue the connection if that is alright with you. I feel like there are things I’m meant to communicate through you.

That’s all for now. I feel like you are busy, and now I seem to have all the time in the world. I’m not sure what will happen next, but I needed to talk to you. Thank you for passing on that I’m alright to those who have been concerned about my passing.

I love you all. God Bless.


I am sharing the message as I received it. I confirmed with my team (Archangel Michael and others) on the other side about taking on this project to communicate her messages and it was supported if I wished. I will, therefore, try to incorporate a dialogue with her to see what she would like to share with us.

Jo-Ann was always dedicated to her spiritual growth, learning and sharing truth, so it doesn’t surprise me that she wants to continue that journey in her next phase. 

Over the years, I have gathered information from those who have passed and created a report, “Transition to Heaven“, which I share in a free gift bundle, Gifts from Joy. You were welcome to access what is current there. And, possibly information from Jo-Ann will be used to expand the data I include.

Jo-Ann, you are a bright light and will be missed by many. In closing, may your journey be blessed as you have blessed the many who love you that you leave behind. Love, Joy 


Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. A noted business consultant and networker with a celebrated international clientele with whom she works remotely by phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Archangel Michael asked her to channel his book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life and join him in a healing practice. Their global healing work to set humanity free is featured in the international best-seller "Clear Your Past and Change Your Future".

She works closely with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and clear their hidden challenges with money, relationships, career, business, health and well being. Her work includes removing negative memories, emotions, beliefs, past lives, property, travel, darkness, curses, and karma.

For a free report to enhance your life and help you soar and succeed with more ease, go here.

Express Success was founded in 1981 in Los Angeles by Joy Pedersen to help people succeed quicker and easier. After teaching the Law of Attraction, Pedersen realized that everyone had excellent results in some areas and limited results in others. She recognized internal blocks negatively affecting the area of life where people were experiencing diminished results. The search for a solution lead to the discovery of spiritual healing. Pedersen then became a non-denominational ordained minister, a Doctor of Divinity, a Licensed Spiritual Healer, a Certified Spiritual Health Coach, and a Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner. She now works with an international clientele. Her private clients are often business owners addressing their personal lives and business challenges helping both achieve even greater success with ease. Express Success LLC has since relocated to Sarasota, Florida. For more information on Dr. Joy Pedersen, an international best-selling author, visit JoyPedersen.com

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Name: Dr. Joy S. Pedersen
Title: Spiritual Healer and Coach
Group: Express Success LLC
Dateline: Sarasota, FL United States
Direct Phone: 941-220-6245
Cell Phone: 973-723-4686
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