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Casemore's Critical Links Newsletter - March 25, 2013
Shawn Casemore - Accelerate Sales Growth Shawn Casemore - Accelerate Sales Growth
Owen Sound, ON
Monday, March 25, 2013

Volume 14
March 25, 2013
Welcome to this edition of Casemore's Critical Links, a newsletter providing business owners, executives and leaders with pragmatic techniques to improve their personal and professional success. We hope that you enjoy it!
Success Breeds Success
Be sure to check out the bottom of this article for some important information on new resources we have now available to help leaders more effectively manage their teams, their time and their outcomes!

I have been writing some articles for the Association of Manufacturing Excellence recently around the topic of Lean. While researching the articles, I found that when I bring up the topic of Lean to clients and colleagues, I receive either a response of unbridled enthusiasm, or absolute disdain. Few respond anywhere but at either extreme. Now I'm never curious about the former reaction of excitement, but I'm always interested in what has driven the later response.


Have outcomes not been achieved? Was there a failed project? A wasted investment? An inability to engage employees?


Now, I will admit that I often avoid bringing the term Lean into discussions, for the exact reasons stated above. There is always a risk that the other person has had a bad experience. But with that said, the concept of Lean is still one that should be incorporated into every operation to reduce waste and maximize labor productivity.


So let's set aside the term "Lean" for just a moment, and focus on the best opportunities that exist for maximizing productivity and ultimately employee engagement,


1.    Information is useless in the wrong hands

The smaller the "knowledge" gap between company ownership or senior management and those on the shop floor or in the front lines, the better. Senior management must understand the challenges of the employees, and the employees must understand the direction and strategy of the organization (and the benefits to them in supporting the direction). I have met with several CEO's who feel it not important to discuss the state of the business with employees in order to avoid impacting morale. Unfortunately their perceptions are false and in fact are resulting in the very outcome (poor morale) that they are trying to avoid.


2.    Ideas are only useful if you use them

How do you feel when someone chooses to ignore you or your ideas? If you're like most people, eventually you just stop offering up ideas or any discussion at all. Well, the best ideas for increasing productivity, reducing waste and maximizing customer value often come from those who actual do the work. This is nothing new. There are few companies that don't actually offer some form of an employee suggestion program. However enticing employees to offer suggestions for improvement is only successful if you actually consider their ideas, and then implement where it makes sense to do so. The best reward for employee suggestions, and in turn the best way to entice employees to continue to provide new ideas, is to simply implement their past suggestions.


3.    Success results from consistency

If sharing information and generating ideas is one of the best means to increase productivity, then achieving results comes from hard work and repetition. Everyone I have spoken with who has a bad taste for Lean in their mouth says the same thing, "It wasn't working, so we quit." A project wasn't finished; communications broke down; meetings ceased. Whatever the intended outcomes of the initiative, they were never achieved and the perception is because the energy and progress that existed initially, quickly diminished. Management blame the employees, the employees blame management. Regardless of the type of improvement you are pursuing, always start small and build on success because success breeds success. Most importantly, never ever stop. Success takes hard work and consistency. If you aren't committed, don't start.


So, whether you are a fan of Lean or not, you can improve productivity by simply sharing information across the organization, taking action on employee suggestions and remaining committed and consistent. Simple suggestions, but hard work. I guarantee however the results are worth the effort.

Operational Leader Coaching Program

Be held accountable for results with Shawn as your personal mentor and advisor

We have recently launched our Operational Leader Coaching Program for leaders who manage teams, providing them with the tools, resources and support to increase both personal and team productivity.

The program provides ongoing support to deal with strategic and tactical business issues that most leaders face today.

For more information on the program you can visit our website and select "Coaching" or contact us at info@casemoreandco.com.

Operational Leader Webinar Series

Join us June 24th  at 11:00am EST for a FREE webinar:

Effective Leadership for Maximum Results!

Businesses thrive or "thud" as a direct result of front line leadership. Those leading teams from the front lines must be able to interpret the organizations strategy and have the ability to engage others around it's effective execution. Don't miss this our second webinar in our 2013 Operational Leader Webinar Series aimed at assisting our clients, colleagues and peers with improving their operational performance. 

In this webinar we will contrast the difference between effective and ineffective front line leaders. More importantly we will discuss how to develop the traits to be an effective leader, balancing the demands of senior management and employees to achieve the organizations strategy. This webinar is geared toward front line leaders who wish to improve their performance and for senior managers and business owners who lead front line leaders. For more information and to register for this event you can click here, or visit the website here.

© Copyright Shawn Casemore 2013. All rights reserved.


P.O. Box 996, Owen Sound, ON N4K 6H6, Canada | Tel: 519-470-7697 | E-Mail: Info@CasemoreAndCo.com
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Shawn Casemore
Title: President
Group: Casemore and Co Incorporated
Dateline: Chatsworth, ON Canada
Direct Phone: (519) 379-7697
Main Phone: (519) 379-7697
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