Tuesday, September 8, 2020
COVID-19's Unexpected Gifts -- Stars and Stripes & Political Experts
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1) Why is Biden Defying Traditional Political Wisdom by Not Racing to the Center?
Analysis by Political Consultant John Shallman, Chief Strategist for Loretta Sanchez who defeated B-1 Bob Dornan
John Shallman is available via Zoom, Skype or Phone
Intro: Why is Joe Biden defying traditional political wisdom and not racing to the center now that the Democratic National Convention is behind us.
And speaking of that convention, Senator Biden did not come off as 'Sleepy Joe' at all. He delivered live prime time speech on par with President Trump's address that some Fox News commentators categorized as somewhat dull.
Name: Jerry McGlothlin
Group: Special Guests
Dateline: Raleigh, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-437-0001
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2) Taxing Jerry Falwell's Golden Parachute Payments (severance over $10M)
Ole Anthony -- Trinity Foundation, Inc -- Religion Fraud Detectives
After analyzing Jerry Falwell Jr's Liberty University compensation, Trinity Foundation estimates tax penalties of $1,530,383 on golden parachute payments of $10.5 million. Excessive compensation is a scandalously common practice in many religious institutions that needs to be carefully researched and exposed.
http://w Name: Ole Anthony
Title: President/Publisher
Group: Trinity Foundation, Inc./The Door Magazine
Dateline: Dallas, TX United States
Direct Phone: 214-827-2625
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3) How to Buy a Wedding Ring and Not Get Screwed
Tips to buy engagement rings.
Most important: get all the facts about the diamond as they are described by the seller, in writing, and on their own sales receipt. Do not accept an accompanying document alone, to describe the diamond. If the seller lacks the skill to do this, then don't get your diamond from them because they may pass their own "mistake" on to you.
Don't make any decisions about "what you want" in terms of size or ring design based on how they look IN the showcase; try on a variety of designs and shapes because they may look different on your hand than in the showcase!
Name: Antoinette Matlins, P.G.
Title: Author and Professional Gemologist
Dateline: Woodstock, VT United States
Contact via email first: antoinettematlins@me.com
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4) SPJ condemns shuttering of Stars and Stripes

INDIANAPOLIS – The Society of Professional Journalists strongly condemns the closing of Stars and Stripes, the editorially independent newspaper of the military, and calls for its funding to be restored. "We are disgusted at this latest attempt by this administration to destroy the free press in this country," said SPJ National President Patricia Gallagher Newberry. "Stars and Stripes has been a lifeline and the source of much needed information, inspiration and support for troops all over the world, including places where communication with the outside world is at a minimum or nonexistent. To destroy such an important American institution is a travesty."
Patricia Gallagher Newberry, SPJ National President, 513-702-4065,? pattinewberryspj@gmail.com
Jennifer Royer, SPJ Director of Communications and Marketing, 317-361-4134,? jroyer@spj.org
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5) COVID-19's Unexpected Gifts
The Herman Trend Alert
COVID-19's Unexpected Gifts
For months now, I have been waiting to write about the upside to the pandemic. These kinds of extraordinary times spur innovation of all kinds. In my life and the lives of some others, we have capitalized on our time at home.
Call it an Opportunity
First, on a personal note, I have used our lockdown time to get fit and get rid of unwanted weight. In fact, when I came back from our Semester at Sea voyage in December I was 17 pounds heavier than I am today. I did it with daily exercise, reduced caloric intake, and intermittent fasting. My diet has also evolved to be almost exclusively vegan, though I am still finishing up the low-fat milk I bought months ago to minimize trips to the supermarket.
Reconnecting with Family and Friends
When I have appeared on TV talking about "Three Mistakes to Avoid to Not Lose Your Job to a Robot," one of my suggestions is to stay in touch with your network, even when you do not need them. During this period of time when many of us are not commuting, we can use that time to reconnect with family and friends.
The Acceleration of Telemedicine
Both my husband and I have seen physicians and other healthcare professionals with virtual medical appointments. What we have discovered is that many of those appointments did not really have to be in-person. We have saved time, gasoline, and energy by having these virtual visits.
Reduced Traffic and Lower Emissions
With fewer cars on the road, it takes a little less time to get to where you have to go. Plus, there is less exhaust being released into the atmosphere and that benefits all of us.
Home-shoring of Manufacturing
People in countries around the world have discovered that there is a clear and present danger of having to buy critical materials, like PPE, gloves, masks, face shields, cotton swabs, and test reagents from other countries. Not only can it become very expensive, but it can also cost lives, while the needed supplies are either backordered or require shipping time. Manufacturing what we need in our own countries allows us to have the needed goods closer by.
Appreciating the Value of Working from Home
For many office employees, working from home has been a new experience. They have discovered the joys of telecommuting. With the hours not spent commuting and by engineering their work time, some people have been able to tackle personal projects at home. Their projects have sparked record sales at Home Depot and Loew's. Other major beneficiaries of the pandemic are Walmart, Costco, and other Big-Box stores.
Direct Release of Movies
In the past movie studios have occasionally released films at the same time as the premium streaming service releases. Now, with the movie theatres still closed, the studios and distribution houses have chosen direct release of new films. Movie lovers everywhere have benefitted by being able to see first-run movies sooner than usual.
The Exponential Rise of Online Ordering
People with underlying conditions of all ages have wisely chosen to stay home. Their decision to stay home has prompted a tremendous increase in online ordering. Direct marketers are reaping the profits.
The Delivery Services that Support Online Sales
Amazon, Federal Express, Instacart, Favor, Uber Eats, GrubHub, and numerous other delivery services have all had remarkable growth. Amazon and Federal Express are so busy they are staffing up as fast as they can.
Highlighted the Need for Racial Reconciliation
The difference severity in coronavirus infections among non-white populations has caused us to understand the urgent need to provide additional support for disadvantaged and under-served populations. People with fewer resources have less access to healthcare and thus, not surprisingly, more underlying conditions. At the same time, due to the killing of unarmed black people, our collective consciousness has been raised to the need for racial reconciliation.
Virtual Speaking and Training
With no end to this COVID-19 yet in sight, most companies have not been conducting as much training as they might have. I am not sure why. However, what we have discovered are platforms like Zoom, Miro, Shindig, EventInterface, Ingomu, and many more. We now know that we can hold effective meetings online. And my family uses Zoom for birthday celebrations and other family get-togethers.
Next Week: The Future of Air Travel in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond
Though the airlines have taken steps to make air travel much safer, asymptomatic infected passengers are still traveling. Next week's Herman Trend Alert will not only cover how you can travel safely now, but all what travel---and airfares----will be like in the future.
Special thanks to my friend Kristin Arnold---one of the friends I reconnected with---for her list.
Name: Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP
Title: Certified Speaking Professional and Management Consultant
Group: The Herman Group
Dateline: Austin, TX United States Direct Phone: 336-210-3548
Main Phone: 800-227-3566
Cell Phone: 336-210-3548
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6) What the Polls Tell Us Post Conventions
By now, polls should have mostly absorbed any potential impact of the conventions and it makes sense to look at them again. Joe Biden's lead in the national polling average on realclearpolitics is still substantial (6.9%) and double the lead Hillary Clinton had on Donald Trump. I can't remember an incumbent president running for reelection who was trailing so far behind as Trump does at this point in time of the campaign and who ended up winning. Am I saying that Joe Biden will win? No, because surveys are never a prediction. But I would rather be in team Biden than in team Trump at the moment.
Let's look at the underlying dynamics of the race.
Conventional wisdom has it that an election with an incumbent is foremost a referendum on the incumbent. When voting for a challenger, voters merely express a wish. When voting for an incumbent, they render a verdict. In that respect, the job approval rating of the incumbent is crucially important (and was sometimes a better prediction of the vote than the match-up question). At the time of writing, 44% approve of the job Trump is doing while 56% disapprove. This has actually been remarkably stable throughout his term. Trump's personal favorability ratings are basically the same: 42% have a favorable opinion about him while 56% have an unfavorable one. So it's not that voters disapprove of the job he is doing but would like him as a person (or vice versa). In addition to job approval and personal favorability, another important indicator is how voters think about the state of the country. At the moment, 27% say that the country goes in the right direction while 67% say it's off the wrong track. This number has slightly improved but is still dangerously low for an incumbent.
Now, these are all nationwide numbers and one might argue that it's not really a nationwide, but a state-by-state election. Let us also remember that the state polls were pretty skewed four years ago. But the race does indeed seem to have tightened in the battleground states. Biden is still ahead in the realclearpolitics polling average in most swing states, but the lead has become smaller: Florida (+1.8%), Pennsylvania (+4.2%), Michigan (+2.6%) and Wisconsin (4%). In other words: screw the popular vote. This campaign is now all about the electoral college and is actually more competitive than what the nationwide polls might indicate.
Dr. Louis Perron is a political scientist, consultant and TEDx speaker based in Switzerland. During the past years, he has helped two dozen candidates and parties win election and referendum campaigns.
Name: Dr. Louis Perron
Group: Perron Campaigns
Dateline: Zurich, None Switzerland
Direct Phone: +41 434883720
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