Sunday, May 22, 2022
Buying College Athletes -- Veterans Exposed to Burn Pits
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Bribing College Athletes is Old News
M.K. Lever -- Author of Surviving the Second Tier
What if I told you that colleges have always been "buying athletes" and that NIL hasn't changed that dynamic at all?
If you're a Power Five football coach, that may come as a surprise. Earlier this week, legendary Alabama football coach, Nick Saban made headlines for claiming that SEC competitor Texas A&M engaged in dishonest recruiting practices and "bought every player" in its current recruiting class with name, image and likeness deals. Saban also claimed that Jackson State head football coach, Deion Sanders, "paid a guy a million dollars last year" to play for him, an allegation that Sanders vehemently denied on Twitter, tweeting "I don't even make a million!"
Media contact: Scott Lorenz
Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2098
See full news release here:
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Nina Amir -- Best Transformation Coach
Nina Amir, Inspiration to Creation Coach, inspires people to combine their purpose and passion so they Achieve More Inspired Results. She motivates her clients to achieve their goals, make a difference, realize their dreams, and fulfill their potential.
Amir speaks, writes, and coaches on the topics of personal and spiritual growth.
She is one of 800 elite Certified High Performance Coaches working around the world. Additionally, she is a certified Law of Attraction coach and rebirther, a trained Voice Dialogue facilitator, and an ordained minister.
Nina Amir
Los Gatos, CA
United States
Contact Phone: 408-353-1943
Cell Phone: 408-499-1084
See her profile here:
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Caregivers at the Center of Long-Term Health Care
Matt McCann -- Long Term Care Expert
McCann told the group that too many people ignore the issue of long-term care until a crisis has happened.
"We see parents and other family members, neighbors, co-workers, and families deal with long-term health care. If there is no Long-Term Care Insurance in place, the adult children become the default caregivers. You know that does not work well at all," McCann said.
Being an informal, unpaid, and unprepared caregiver is challenging. Physically and mentally. McCann said if the care recipient has savings, it doesn't take too long for the phone calls to be made trying to find a professional caregiver.
"Most care facilities or home health agencies' first question to the family when they get a phone call is, 'is there a Long-Term Care Insurance policy in force?' If not, the family will pay the full cost of care and that can be financially devastating for many families," McCann noted.
Name: Matt McCann
Title: President
Group: McCann Insurance Services, Inc
Dateline: Darien, IL United States
Direct Phone: 630-487-2480
See full news release here:
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Burn Pits Breakthrough for Veterans
TreatNOW Coalition -- Concussion Protocol Experts
Senators announce bipartisan deal on long-sought bill to help veterans exposed to burn pits during military service.
The TreatNOW Coalition has been working with numerous Hyperbaric Oxygenation clinicians and Functional Medicine practitioners to develop a comprehensive Protocol to deal with the polytrauma of combat, to include inhalation of toxins, brain wounds from blast, and the myriad insults to physiological, emotional, behavioral, moral, cognitive, and functional performance. Please call for details, or go online to
For the TreatNOW Coalition:
Robert L. Beckman, PhD
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Richard Hadden -- Workplace Expert
No organization can possibly compete in today?s tough economy without the willing and enthusiastic engagement of everyone on the payroll. And when it comes to the topic of people and profit, we wrote the book...literally. Based on years of research on the leadership and employee relations practices of some of America's best managed companies, coupled with 30 years of combined management experience, we address and can comment knowledgeably on:
Employee Relations
Employee Retention
HR Best Practices
Workplace Issues
Richard Hadden, CSP
Jacksonville, FL
United States
Contact Phone: 904-720-0870
Cell Phone: 904-813-4322
View Profile here:
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