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Author protection—a nosey author is kryptonite to a book thief
Author U -- Judith Briles Author U -- Judith Briles
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Denver, CO
Thursday, December 15, 2022


How to Protect Author’s Book from Fraud, Pirates & Theft

Woot … this was the #3 most downloaded and listened to episodes of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with over 150,000 downloads in 2022.  It’s all about book theft and protection.

Cheryl Obermiller, author of FraudPoints joins AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing host Dr. Judith Briles for an eye … and ear … opening podcast.

Takeaways include:

  • Why authors must think like a thief does.
  • Steps to take when piracy occurs.
  • How to follow your book title online.
  • 4 things to do every day to protect you and your book.
  • What is copyright infringement?
  • Tips for authors to take immediately when piracy occurs.
  • What to do with Amazon if your book is stolen by pirates and thieves.
  • Why and why to register with the US Copyright office.

And, of course, much more.

Listen in … this is a podcast for authors you can’t afford to miss. A nosey author is kryptonite to a book thief.

If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you. Judith Briles has lots to share in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast.

Listen in at:  http://bit.ly/BookPublishingPodcast 

 Listen in at:  http://bit.ly/iTunesAuthorPodcast

Listen in at: http://bit.ly/BookPublishingPodcastGoogle

Listen in at: http://bit.ly/BookPublishingPodcastAmazon

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Name: Judith Briles
Title: Chief Visionary Officer - CEO
Dateline: Aurora, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-885-2207
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