In the recent Trump-Biden debate, both Trump and Biden showed their unique personality traits and leadership style, despite the comments of critics who accused Trump's presentation being full of bluster and lies and Biden of being unusually soft-spoken and halting in his presentation. Yet, regardless of how they presented themselves at this event, both showed a characteristic personality type or style, as described in a new personality system for understanding oneself and others and better relating to people with different personality types. The system is described in the book "What's Type of Dog Are You?" by Gini Graham Scott, PhD, published by Waterside Productions.
As described in the Dog Type Personality System, which has parallels with classic personality systems such as Myers-Briggs, Color Profiling, and DISC, there are four key types that are linked to four popular dogs. These are the German Shepherd, who typifies the dominant leadership type, the Golden Retriever, who typifies the supportive helper type, the Pomeranian, who typifies, the social people person, and the Border Collie, who typifies the researcher detail-oriented person. All can be effective leaders, but they have different styles and ways of relating to people.
Based on these types, Donald Trump is like a German Shepherd, who uses force and power in being a leader, while Joe Biden is like a Golden Retriever, who wants to assist and support others. So while Trump seeks to dominate in any relationship and is drawn to being an authoritarian leader who directs people what to do and demands loyalty, Biden seeks to build coalitions and teams and to lead through influencing others.
The author who developed the dog type system and led workshops on it is Gini Graham Scott, an author of over 200 books, and a screenplay writer and producer of 15 films in distributor by major distributors.
Most recently, she has written a series of books on scams published by American Leadership Books and turned into documentaries: The Big Con turned into "Conned: A True Story" and I Was Scammed turned into "Con Artists Unveiled." Both films are distributed by Gravitas Ventures. The books are on Amazon and the films can be seen on Apple TV: Conned: A True Story - Apple TV and Con Artists Unveiled - Apple TV. A just published book, also from American Leadership Books is Women in Prison: Getting Locked Up, Being a Mother or in a Minority Group, and Getting Out. It's a follow-up book to Women with Partners in Prison, and the two books have led to still another film about women in prison or who have partners there which was filmed in May in LA and Contra Costa County in California. It will be launched at the American Film Market in November in Santa Monica.
A future film is in the works about how different people are using the dog type system to better understand themselves and work with others.
Perhaps Trump and Biden might find the system helpful themselves as they deal with or might deal with everyday crises and work with Congress and the leaders of other countries.
For more information about the dog type personality system, and books and films by Gini Graham Scott, and to schedule an interview with her, email or call:
Karen Andrews
Executive Assistant
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
San Ramon, CA 94583
925) 804-6333